The road was named after Abinger Villa, a farmhouse that
already stood there before the road was laid out. Originally, the land was
called Great Shelldale and Elizabeth Bridger was the owner in 1797, the
Bridgers owning a quantity of land in Portslade. Great Shelldale passed down to
her daughter who was also called Elizabeth Bridger. In 1832 when this daughter
married Thomas Thompson Cattley, her land was put in trust and Charles Bridger
and Henry Colvill Bridger were tasked with the duty of managing it.
Eventually, the Bridgers sold
Great Shelldale consisting of 11 acres, 1 rod and 23 perches to Abraham Peters,
a Portslade farmer. On the same date as this transaction, Peters took out a
mortgage for £900 on the land with John Sharp, a Southwick ship-owner. Abraham
Peters was already familiar with the land because he had been farming it,
having rented it for seven years on 26 February 1859 for £227.
The property next passed to to
Abraham’s brother, Frederick Peters who was left with the problem of sorting
out the moiety and the real estate. He put the whole lot up for sale with the
agreement of his nine surviving nieces and nephews. He then purchased the land
for £2,482 and out of this sum £1,241 was divided between the nine relatives.
In 1893 Frederick Peters died. In
1901 Kate Burstow, one of his daughters, with the agreement of her sisters,
purchased 83 Abinger Road and 1 and 3 Gardener Street for £545 from William
Hudson Dudeney, executor.
In 1922 Kate Burstow took out a
mortgage for £100 with Ellen Eliza Novis of 41 Shirley Street, Hove, with
interest of £6 a year. In 1936 Kate took out a further mortgage with the same
lady for £50, both mortgages being repaid by 1942. On 25 May 1942 Kate sold 83
Abinger Road for £225 to Ernest Arthur Osborne of 87 Abinger Road.
Abinger Villa, 87 Abinger
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Abinger Villa decorated in celebration of the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 |
Frederick Peters was responsible
for building this house and he named it after his wife Kate’s birthplace of
Abinger Hammer, Surrey, five miles west of Dorking.
The 1873 Ordnance Survey Map
shows Abinger Villa standing on its own but fronting a footpath leading to what
was later named Old Shoreham Road.
The 1881 census records the
Peters family comfortably ensconced in Abinger Villa. They were:
Frederick Peters, 63, farmer
employing ten men
His wife Kate Peters, 56
Unmarried daughter Kate, 23
Unmarried daughter Fanny, 18
Daughter Eliza Kate, 15
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove (Brighton Graphic)
Mr A.Terry ran his removal business from Abinger Villa before
the First World War, by the end of 1915 the business had moved to
27 Beaconsfield Road Portslade |
H.W. Tubbs, Portslade
photographer whose premises were in
Station Road, took a photograph of Abinger
Villa in the 1920s. The stuccoed exterior looks much the same as it does today.
The name ‘Abinger Villa’ was painted or engraved above the front entrance.
There is the same decorative ball and finial on the pediment above the door.
There were cast-iron railings adorning the dwarf wall plus the cast-iron
gateway with decorative supports in an embossed design topped off with a
twisted finial. All this ironwork was removed during the Second World War as
part of the scrap metal drive.
The executors of Thomas Buckland,
former owner of Abinger Villa, put the house up for auction on 20 May 1935. It
was described as a freehold property consisting of two floors, brick-built with
a slate roof.
First floor
Two front bedrooms with
fireplaces and cupboards in the recess
A small front room
Three back bedrooms with
Ground Floor
A wide hall
Two front rooms with bay windows,
fireplaces and cupboards in the recess
Two back rooms with fireplaces
and cupboards
Kitchen with copper and sink
Excellent cellarage below
Outside WC
Large garden
A temporary motor garage with
double gates leading to it at the side
The frontage measured around 54
feet and the depth was put at around 145 feet.
At the time the premises were let
as three tenements with a weekly rent of 11/-, 15/6d, and 17/6d, producing
£2-4s a week or £114-8s a year.
Arthur Ernest Osborne of 15
Shelldale Crescent purchased the property for £710. A deposit of £71 was made
and a memo signed on 21 May 1935. Osborne’s son Alan was born at 15 Shelldale
Crescent in March 1929.
Mr Osborne preferred to be called
Ernie rather than Arthur. In 1919 after the Great War was over he started a
window cleaning business and employed around twenty war veterans who were glad
to find work. It was also good publicity to call his enterprise the Ex-Service
Window Cleaning Company. Some of the barrows used to carry ladders and cleaning
equipment around Portslade streets were kept at Abinger Villa; others were
stored in Shelldale Road or behind the
Half-Way House pub. Ernie died on
29 June 1964. No doubt he would be fascinated to know that his grandson Gary
still carries on the family window cleaning tradition in
Station Road /
Boundary Road today.
Abinger Villa passed on to
Ernie’s son Alan Osborne. During the 1970s and early 1980s there was a lively
atmosphere in the house when Portslade Girl Pipers practised their bagpipes
Alan Osborne and his friend Jack founded the band in 1973 and their
first public performance took place on New Year’s Eve 1973/1974. Afterwards
there were regular performances at both private functions and public events
such as Hove Lions Day in Hove Park.
copyright © G. Osborne copyright © J.Middleton
A youthful Alan Osborne was photographed in 1947 when he was doing his National Service with the Cameronians.
Portslade Girl Pipers were photographed marching along
Brighton seafront in August 1977 with the Hotel Metropole
in the background. (the photographs are mounted on the Dress Gordon tartan of the Portslade Girls Pipers) |
A highlight was participation in the youth
march-past to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977 when they marched
past Buckingham Palace, bagpipes playing at full blast. Other highlights were
visits to Holland and Ireland.
Alan Osborne was interested in
bagpipes because when he was called up for National Service in 1947 he was
drafted to the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Portslade Girl Pipers wore a
uniform consisting of a kilt in Dress Gordon tartan with dark green jacket and
lace jabot. Mr Osborne obtained special permission for the girls to wear the
Gordon’s badge on their Glengarry hats and the Cameronian badge on their
In its heyday the band could
muster 43 girls on parade but not all of them played bagpipes because a few of
them played bell lyres. The band broke up in around 1983.
Alan Osborne died on 30 June 2005
but Abinger Villa had already been sold.
Abinger Barn
copyright © J.Middleton
Abinger Barn is a potent reminder of the area’s
agricultural past.
This photograph taken in July 2015 shows exterior
staircase and the extension at the back. |
Abinger Barn stands two houses
along from Abinger Villa on the north side and on the corner of Crown Road. It
is an old flint-built barn, tall and somewhat narrow but there is a large
doorway of a suitable width for a wagon to enter. Above the doorway there is a
semicircle of red bricks and nearby a small door. There are nine windows on the
east frontage of varying size and width but all are surrounded by red brick
dressings. On the north side there is a steep brick staircase leading to a door
higher up in the wall. The stairway wall has been raised, and an extension
built on at the back.
In the 1930s the barn was used as
stables for six large cart-horses. On one occasion a fire broke out but all six
horses were rescued safely.
It seems probable that during the
1940s the barn was used as a warehouse because F.C. Greenfield sought
permission from Portslade Council to build an extension to his warehouse.
After the Second World War the
barn was home to an unusual enterprise because it became a handbag factory. It
started in around 1947 and David Sharp who lived in Trafalgar Road was one of
the men employed there. But the female workforce must have heavily outnumbered
copyright © D. Sharp
The staff and their families assembled in Crown Road for a handbag factory's 'works outing' circa 1950.
This photograph was taken from the exterior staircase of Abinger Barn (Crown Works) |
copyright © D. Sharp
The staff of the handbag factory assembled in Crown Road for a 'works outing' circa 1950.
David Sharp is standing to the right of the coach, Pamela Howell was aged around eighteen when this
photograph was taken. She stands behind and to the right of the man in
the black hat. |
The handbag factory was still
going strong in the 1960s and Charles Roger ran it. His sister was Dorothy
Norman who ran shops selling fashionable clothes for ladies. By this time the
handbag factory had a workforce consisting of five men to cut the leather and
around twenty women who stitched the bags on sewing machines and earned around
£4 a week. The finished articles were sold in a shop in
Trafalgar Road near the
The barn was known as Crown Works while today it is called
Crown House.
In June 1989 Hove Council was asked to approve plans to
convert the premises into three two-bedroom flats. Hove Council, and in
particular planning officer Michael Ray, endeavoured to find out the barn’s
history but without success. It seems no written records about it survive
probably because in times past it was regarded as just another agricultural building.
But it has survived to this day whereas the surrounding farmland has succumbed
to bricks and mortar. The flats idea was turned down and the building remained
in light industrial use.
Dudeney’s laundry
Albert Dudeney owned the
Westup Laundry, which was on the corner of Shelldale Road and Abinger Road. It was
rumoured that the building had previously been used as a smithy for many years.
Mrs Cecilia Peters used to work at the laundry. She was very proficient at
ironing and an expert with the goffering tongs that were used for the frilly
aprons and caps worn by female staff at top Brighton hotels such as the
Old Ship Hotel and
Hotel Metropole before the Great
War. She used a flat iron for ordinary work and because she needed a hot iron
she frequently had to change to another one. There was a circular stove in the
ironing room upon which stood around fifteen flat irons heating up.
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Dudeneys would have had the same machinery
as this Brighton laundry of the early 1900s |
The following article appeared in the
Commercial Motor Magazine on the 16 April 1914 “I am only too pleased” says Mr. Albert Dudeney, proprietor of the
Westup Laundry, 33, Shelldale Road, Portslade, “to give your readers my experiences of our motor-delivery facilities. The machine I use is an early Daimler, the date of its manufacture being 1890.
I myself have had it now for five years and three months. I use it for collecting and delivering laundry goods, which are packed in hampers, and on some occasions it has carried as many as 43 different baskets of linen, and this in addition to three passengers. The machine enables my assistants to call on 60 customers in a day, and it usually covers about 50 miles in that period.
Before I bought the machine, I use to have a pony-cart to deliver the articles, the cost of upkeep of which was 12s a week, whereas I find the motor costs me but 7s., so that a direct financial saving is effected. In addition to this desirable advantage, there is no horse to see to at nights or on Sundays, consequently our men work less hours."
Gardener’s Arms
copyright © J.Middleton
The Gardener’s Arms was still advertising Home
Cooked Food
and Beer Garden in July 2015. |
The pub was aptly named because of the local market
gardens. The pub used to be numbered at 103 or 105 Abinger Road but in the
1920s the road was re-numbered and it became 40 Abinger Road.
Thomas Peters was the first
landlord; he was there in the 1890s and remained there until the early years of
the new century.
On 2 July 1898 James Briggs of 7
Jubilee Terrace was enjoying himself in the pub but he was the worse for drink
and when asked to leave he refused to do so. The landlord was obliged to eject
him forcibly. Later in the same month Briggs was fined 5/- with costs for being
drunk and refusing to leave. He was unable to attend the court in person and he
sent his mother along instead. It seems he had hurt his leg when he was thrown
By 1910 C. Whiting was the
landlord, followed in around 1920 by Mark Lulham.
But it was the Grangers who were
the longest serving landlords. Edwin J. Granger was there is 1930 and on 10
November 1933 the licence was transferred to Cecil E. Granger who in 1958 was
still behind the bar.
By 1992 Ian Jenner had been
landlord for ten years and he and his wife treated themselves to a three-week
holiday in the United States. Mr Jenner was known for his practical jokes and
some of the regulars decided to stage a practical joke of their own but it
sounds a bit extreme. They pretended there had been a gas explosion at the pub
at 3 a.m. They boarded up doors and windows and draped a tarpaulin over the
outside of the saloon bar. Then they wrote notices saying ‘Danger Gas’ and ‘No
Entry’. They covered the windscreen of Mr Jenner’s car with plastic, turned
another car on its side, scattered rubble over the car park and finally cordoned
off the area with tape and cones. It is indeed fortunate that Mr Jenner did not
have a heart attack when he got out of the taxi and surveyed the appalling
scene. But soon there were smiles all round when the regulars appeared from
their hiding place singing Always Look on the Bright Side.
The pub had a large outdoor space
for use in the summer and a fine freestanding inn sign depicting a brawny male
arm holding a tiny seedling.
copyright © J.Middleton
A Co-op and small car park now occupies the former beer
Garden. |
The pub shut in the recent times
but the building remains; it is now used as housing. Meanwhile, a modest sized
Co-op and small car park now occupies the one-time pub garden.
Saint Nicolas Church Hall
copyright © D. Sharp
The former St Nicolas Church Hall in 2016 |
This building stands on the east side of Abinger Road on
the corner of Hurst Crescent and was functioning from at least 1910. It
replaced the old
St Nicolas Church's Parish Room at Southern Cross, which had been in use since
around 1899.
1 September 1915 the
Portslade and District Allotments Holders and Amateur Gardeners Association held their second
annual show at St Nicolas Church Hall in Abinger Road. The
Association had 104 members and there were twenty-five classes in the
exhibition. One of the three judges was Mr N. Higgs, gardener to
Walter Mews of
During the 1920s a men’s club was
held at the church hall every evening; there was also a lads’ club and a gym
was available. On Sundays a lads’ Bible Class was held at 2.30 p.m. and there
was a girls’ Bible Class an hour later.
During the Second World War the
church hall was let to Portslade Urban District Council for
ARP purposes.
Before the handover was made, an inventory of contents was drawn up and from
this we know there was a billiard room and a small organ made by Thomas Harper.
During this time extensions were built north and south from ‘asbestos sheeting
with sandbagging for ARP purposes’.
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
A War-time photograph of St Nicolas Hall, note the bomb blast walls built in front of entrance and windows. |
The loss of the church hall
during the war years was a blessing in disguise for St Nicolas because the
money thus earned was used to clear a £600 deficit.
When peace returned St Nicolas
used its church hall to stage the annual Nativity Play performed by children of
St Nicolas School. It was always a well-attended and popular event. It was
staged there from 1948 until the mid-1950s and then the play was performed
inside the church.
In the mid-1960s the church hall
was sold for £7.500 because it was no longer needed. Instead a new Parish
Centre was built near St Nicolas Church on part of the vicarage garden.
Meanwhile, the old church hall
continues to exist. It is a two-storied structure, red brick for the ground
floor, rough-cast coating above, with three gables and a slate roof. On either
side of the hall there was a large tree, since cut down although the base is
still visible. In 1994 Sigta Ltd owned it.
Right at the beginning of 2024
there came disturbing news that the old hall was under threat. It is
such an attractive-looking building with such a long history that it
is hard to imagine anyone wishing to destroy it. Unfortunately, that
is now a reality.
owners Sigta Ltd boldly claim that it now requires extensive work to
bring it up to modern standards. In their outline planning submission
drawn up by Lewis & Co, and submitted to Brighton & Hove City
Council, the curious phrase ‘well beyond its intended lifespan’
is used. How on earth do they pretend to know that? Surely a
structure built as a church hall would have been constructed to last.
is stated that ‘officials’ have recommended approval, and the
Planning Committee will meet at Hove Town Hall on 10 January. The
plans are demolition, and replacement with a two-storey block of
eleven flats with a mysterious third storey in the roof. But as Les
Hamilton points out, no three-storey houses exist in the road.
Although there was one letter of support, sixteen objections were
received. (Argus 4/1/24)
There were stables to house three large horses belonging
to the Peters who needed them to transport produce from their market gardens to
Brighton. The Steeles worked for the Peters and Henry Steele would often walk
by the horse’s head because it was dark when they set off at 2. a.m. in order
to reach Bartholomews by 6 a.m. A paraffin lamp hung on either side of the
Rose Cottage
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Rose Cottage on the right of the junction between Abinger Road and Gardener Street |
The Steeles lived in Rose Cottage, one in a row of three
on the corner of Abinger Road and Gardener Street. There was only a small yard
at the back of the cottage and so the Steeles liked to make a bit of a floral
display in the front garden. Never mind the name ‘Rose Cottage’, they liked to
fill the garden with a riot of dahlias.
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Looking north in Abinger Road, Mr T.P. Oden's Bakery on the left at the junction with Gardener Street,
Mr F Webb's boot repair shop on the right and the high flint built Abinger Barn just off centre left. |
House Notes
Number 28 – In 1891 John Miles, aged 36, his wife,
two daughters, and four sons lived here. He worked as a brickfield labourer.
Number 34 – In 1891 Steyning-born James Roberts,
aged 39, his wife, two daughters, and three sons lived here. He was also a
brickfield labourer.
Number 39 – This house next door to the Gardener’s
Arms was formerly numbered ay 101. In 1958 the house was sold for £600.
Number 49 – Mr and Mrs Grigson brought up thirteen
children in this house before the Great War.
Numbers 89, 91, & 93 – Braybon’s, the
well-known firm of builders, owned these houses in the 1930s.
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
No 95, Abinger Road Bakery |
Number 95 – At the turn of the 1900s this building, now converted into a house, was T.P. Oden's Bakery,
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for
granting permission for the reproduction
of the above photograph from his private collection.
No 102, Abinger Road General Stores |
Number 102 – In the 1920s the building, now a house, on the corner of Bampfield Street was a General Stores.
In August 1895 Portslade Council applied to District
Council Steyning East to obtain all powers for Abinger Road (Portslade was not
then an Urban District Council). In 1903 part of the road was declared a public
In 1923 a plot of land at the back of St Nicolas Church
Hall fronting a way leading to
Trafalgar Road, was put up for auction. The frontage
was around 145 feet and the depth was around 45 feet. At the time Portslade
Council occupied the land and let it out as allotments at an annual rent of
In 1931 Y.C. Smith and X.J. Smith built eight new houses
on the corner of Abinger Road and Bampfield Street.
In 1945 army serviceman Charles Elphick died of stab wounds in a scuffle with Michael Niescior in Abinger Road. For further details see
Portslade and the Second World War.
In April 1990 Express Lift Co, with offices in the road,
won a £3.5 Million order to supply forty lifts for offices in one of London’s
showpiece developments.
Census Returns
Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Portslade Council Minute Books
Additional research by D.Sharp
Thanks are due to Mr G. Osborne for allowing me to reproduce eight of his wonderful photographs
copyright © J.Middleton 2017
Page Design and Dudeney Research by D. Sharp