Judy Middleton 2003 (revised 2024)
copyright © G. Osborne Wellington Road in the early 1900s
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Canal Cottages
In the early 19
century people living in old cottages on what was later called
Wellington Road were identified as living in
Copperas Gap. One set
was called Canal Cottages, which was an apt name seeing as they were
situated on the north bank of the canal. They overlooked the timber
ponds where imported timber was left floating in water to season the
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
Copperas Gap by W.H. Stothard Scott (1783-1850) |
W. Scott made a drawing of this
area in around 1816 and the cottages are clearly to be seen. The
drawing also indicates the road running past the cottages with a
backdrop of the cliff behind, on top of which stood the signal
beacon. This had been placed in a prominent position to give warning
to the inhabitants of a possible raid from the French. That use of
the site dated back to the Elizabethan times when a string of warning
beacons would have been lit at the approach of the Spanish Armada.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
An early 1800s painting of the windmills at Copperas Gap, the road passing the windmills would later be known as Wellington Road. The painting attributed to Frederick Ford |
In 1851 Seaford-born James and
George Green lived in Canal Cottages. They earned a living by
collecting special blue boulders from the seashore that were sold to
be used in the process of glass-making.
In 1891 the occupants of Canal
Cottages was as follows:
Number 2 – Thomas Street, 26,
brick-maker, born at Portslade
Number 3 – William Herbridge,
Number 4 – Alfred Funnell,
brick-maker, born at Portslade
copyright © G. Osborne Canal Cottages are the light grey buildings next to the six windowed The Crown Public House
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection. |
In February 1900 Agnes Ford (later
Mrs May) was born in one of the Canal Cottages, which was later
numbered as 34 Wellington Road. She stated that the four cottages
were of the two-up, two-down variety and there was a row of four
outdoor privies at one side. The Ford family consisted of five girls
and three boys but fortunately they were not all crammed into one
cottage at the same time because some had grown up and left home.
copyright © G. Allen
Agnes pictured with her cat in 1942. She was known through her life
by the nickname ‘Pip’ because when she was born her father said ‘She is
a real little pipsqueak.’ She celebrated her centenary on 21 February
Agnes was photographed with her husband 'Char' wearing his Home Guard uniform in 1942. |
The Ford family left the cottage
in 1903 and went to live first in East Street, then in George Street,
both in Portslade. Their old cottage became vacant in the 1920s and
so Agnes’s sister moved back in with her family.
Agnes Ford wanted to leave school
at the age of thirteen but first she had to prove her age. She was
dismayed to find her mother had burned all their birth certificates,
thinking they were of no further use and Agnes was obliged to apply
for a new one.
Canal Cottages lasted until the
1930s and by that time were numbered as 28, 30, 32 and 34 Wellington
Road. In January 1935 a demolition order was initiated for them under
the Slum Clearance Act.
The Yacht Sunbeam
copyright © G. Osborne The Sunbeam (sailing ship on the left) moored near the Schooner Inn in Southwick, the Sunbeam was also moored at the Portslade end of the harbour at various other times of the year. With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection. |
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
Lady Anna Brassey |
James Ford, the father of this
numerous family, once worked as a fireman aboard the famous yacht
Sunbeam. But it was not during the time of her epic voyage. In
the Great War James Ford was called back into service with the Royal
Tom Brassey (later Lord Brassey)
owned the Sunbeam. He was the Liberal MP for Hastings and the
eldest son of a wealthy railway contractor. Mr St Clare Byrne of
Liverpool designed the vessel, which was technically a screw
composite three-masted top-sail-yard schooner and Messrs Laird
supplied the engines. This description meant that the vessel had two
means of propulsion – sail or steam – and apparently there was a
removable funnel.
Tom Brassey was the first British
yachtsman to be granted a Board of Trade master’s certificate. He,
his wife Anna, their four children, lady’s maid, nanny, three
cooks, four stewards, a doctor, two engineers, two firemen, a
carpenter and nine seamen sailed around the world on a voyage that
began on 6 July 1876 and ended at Cowes on 26 May 1877. The total
number of people aboard the ship came to forty-three.
copyright © J.Middleton
The white hull of the Sunbeam opposite the Schooner Inn. |
In 1878 Lady Brassey published her
book A Voyage in the Sunbeam to great success while her
husband was made Earl Brassey at the coronation of George V. In 1916
Earl Brassey gave the Sunbeam to the Indian Government for use
a hospital ship.
Steps and Cottages
copyright © G. Osborne The wooden steps can be see here leading down to the walkway of the ferry, in Wellington Road a painted sign on the side of the Jolly Sailors Pub can be seen.
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Near Canal Cottages a flight of
steps led up to Wellington Road and down these steps went men who
caught the ferry over the canal to the
Portslade Gas Works.
copyright © G. Osborne A ferryman crossing the canal in the early 1900s
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
The old
Crown Inn was just
west of Canal Cottages and was numbered as 38 Wellington Road.
Britannia Flour Mills used to dump their cinders near the
and local children would collect them and take them home for
kindling. On the other side of the inn there was a single dwelling
called Cliff Cottage.
copyright © D. Sharp
The former 'Sea-view Terrace' in 2012 at the junction of Station Road. |
On the south side of Wellington
Road near the foot of Station Road, there is an old terrace of seven
houses, which in 1899 rejoiced in the name of Sea-view Terrace. It is
remarkable that these houses have managed to escape the fate of Canal
Cottages and survive to the present day.
Alexandra Terrace
used to be a group of ten houses plus the Alexandra
Inn called
Alexandra Terrace, but the name disappeared when they were
re-numbered into Wellington Road. In 1867 James Freeman (1804-1877)
purchased a pair of houses in Alexandra Terrace, and he and his
family lived at number one until 1876. His wife Hannah wrote to her
son William in London in May 1875 extolling the virtues of the
wonderful sea breezes, and urging him to come home at once because he
would find it invigorating. William Freeman (1853-1935) was an
obscure artist when he was alive but now his water-colours and
landscapes are appreciated, and some are to be found in local
Before moving to Portslade, the
Freemans lived at Wivelsfield, and the Freeman boys attended St
Anne’s House in Lewes, a school run by the noted antiquarian Mark
Anthony Lower. The other son was Francis, who was five years younger
than William, and still living at home in Alexandra Terrace when his
mother wrote the letter.
In 1889 at 8 Alexandra Terrace,
Mrs Jolly ran the Alexandra House Day School.
A Salubrious Spot
Although today we are used to the idea of
Wellington Road being in a semi-industrial area, back in the 1860s
and before the arrival of the Gas Works it was considered a healthy
spot and some families of note lived in long-gone houses.
For example, the 1861 census records that Charles
Russell Stewart lived there. He was a journalist and newspaper
editor. Another resident was 29-year old William Richardson who was a
boat builder and employer of four men and two boys.
But the most famous resident was
Edward Kenealy (1819-1880) who lived at number 8/9 with his wife
Elizabeth and numerous family.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
'Aldrington Basin' by Aaron
Penley c.1850. This scene of Portslade's coast captivated Edward Kenealy.
Edward Kenealy chose Portslade to live because of his love of the sea, of which he wrote,
'Oh, how I am delighted with this sea-scenery and with my little marine
hut ! The musical waves, the ethereal atmosphere, all make me feel as
in the olden golden days when I was a boy and dreamed of Heaven'.
Kenealy was a barrister and became well
known throughout the kingdom as QC in the celebrated Tichbourne
Claimant case. He served as Member of Parliament for Stoke-on-Trent from 1875 until he lost his seat in the General Election of March 1880.
Kenealy never became wealthy but such was the esteem
in which he was held by the general public that he was given a
magnificent tomb that is still to be seen in the churchyard of
St Helen’s, Hangleton.
Edward Kenealy was well known in Australia because of the Tichborne Claimant case which had centred around a former Australian resident as the ‘Claimant’. In June 1880
The South Australian Chronicle reported, 'The funeral of
Dr Kenealy took place on Friday at Hangleton, about a mile and a half from Brighton. There were about two hundred persons present, consisting chiefly of those attracted by curiosity from Portslade and Brighton, but including a few members of the
'Magna Charta Association' and some personal acquaintances of the deceased.' (The 'Magna Charta Association' was a political movement founded by Edward Kenealy)
The Kenealy daughters were all
home-schooled and became well versed in science, mathematics, Greek
and Latin – not the usual accomplishments for young ladies at the
time. The family moved to Lancing in the 1870s, most probably
propelled to leave Portslade by the building of the Gasworks.
Three of the Kenealy daughters – Arabella,
Annesley and Henrietta – pursued careers in the medical profession
– while Katherine was an artist, and brother Alexander became
editor of Daily Mirror from 1907 to 1915; there was another
brother called Edward.
(Mary) Annesley Kenealy (1861-1926) was born in
Wellington Road. Her name appears in a list of Pioneering Nurses and
her training was as follows:
1879-80 – Borough Hospital, Birmingham
1880-83 – Leicester Infirmary
1883-90 – County Hospital, York
1890 – She became a registered nurse on 29 March
In 1892 Annesley went to Hamburg to help during an
epidemic of cholera. She wrote about her work in an article for the
Daily Graphic. She later went on to study various hospital
systems in Europe and the USA, becoming an expert on hygiene, and a
freelance writer contributing articles to many periodicals, including
the British Medical Journal. She delivered many lectures to
various councils up and down the country. Later, she turned her hand
to writing fiction, and published several novels.
Annesley was concerned about the welfare of
British soldiers, and taking advantage of publicity gained through
her association with the Morning Post, she established a
string of convalescent homes for soldiers throughout the United
Kingdom and Ireland; in addition, she founded several homes to cater
for the needs of disabled soldiers.
Annesley enjoyed unusual pastimes, being a keen
enthusiast for ballooning – she also loved the joys of the road,
and thought that motoring an eminently suitable occupation for women.
She became assistant editor of Motoring Illustrated, after
submitting articles to technical journals in the USA and England.
Annesley had a volatile personality, and was much
given to litigation. When she lost her cases, she took to making a
dramatic gesture by pretending to drink poison. The first occasion
was in 1910 in the offices of the Daily Mail. On the second
attempt in 1915, after losing her case for slander against W.H.
Smith, her stunt backfired when she was summonsed for attempting to
commit suicide – an illegal act at the time. It was also a fact
that she must have had a spectacular falling-out with family members
because in her will she specifically excluded her brother Edward, his
wife and descendants, plus her sister Katherine, from gaining any
benefit. She explained the reason for this action was ‘owing to
their unkindness to my dear mother and me.’
When Annesley wrote her will, her London address
was 5 Inverness Place but while her mother was still alive, she
continued to live with her in Lancing from time to time. Annesley
left £1,500 as an endowment for a single-bed ward in the Royal Free
Hospital dedicated to her mother ‘in memory of Elizabeth Kenealy
the mother of many writers.’ However, there were restrictions on
who was to occupy the bed because Annesley specified it was for the
exclusive use of women writers. It seems likely that Annesley also
donated a charming portrait of herself, painted when she was a child,
which remains in the collection of the Royal Free Hospital to this
day. The identity of the artist remains unknown but it seems most
likely her sister Katherine painted the portrait. If so, it is an
ironic bequest, seeing as she later excluded this sister from her
However, Annesley remained close to her sister
Henrietta who shared her background in the nursing profession.
Henrietta trained at St Batholomew’s Hospital from 1887-91 and
gained her nurse registration on 22 June 1892 – this being the same
year in which she accompanied Annesley to Hamburg during the cholera
epidemic. In her will, Annesley described her as ‘my very dear
sister Henrietta’ and she was the major beneficiary. Besides
receiving £1,000 in cash, Henrietta was left all Annesley’s
clothes, watches, trinkets and jewellery – unfortunately there was
not much of the latter because ‘all of such jewellery having been
stolen from me by burglars at London many years ago’. Henrietta
could also chose whatever she liked from the family relics,
furniture, pictures, glass, silver and china stored in Hannington’s
Depository, Hove, (now transformed into the Montefiore Hospital).
copyright © G. Osborne How the coast of Portslade would have looked in the days of the Kenealy Family
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Dr Arabella Kenealy (1859-1938) was also born at
Wellington Road. She studied at the London School of Medicine for
Women and after gaining her qualifications, set up her own practice
In London and Watford. Unfortunately, after six years, she became ill
with diphtheria, and had to relinquish that career. But it did not
stifle her intellectual capacities because she studied human
evolution and also the then fashionable theme of eugenics, which has
become somewhat discredited since then. Like her sister Annesley, she
also wrote fiction, her output of novels resulting in twenty-nine
works, and there were books on sociology too. One of her novels was
entitled The Things we have prayed for and proved to be such a
success that a third printing was almost immediately commissioned.
The review in the Daily Mail described it as ‘A racy,
vivacious story, telling of the ambitions, heart-burnings, and
disappointments of a social climber … Miss Kenealy ensures a
never-flagging interest.’
Like her sister Annesley, Arabella lived in
London, but made frequent visits to the family home in Lancing.
Arabella died in 1938 and was buried at
St Helen’s churchyard,
Hangleton, near her brother’s grave, and where her father was also
Ice Wells
copyright © G. Osborne The Half Way House (now demolished) at the junction of Wellington Road and Station Road
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection. |
It is interesting to note that in
the old days there were ice wells on the south side of Wellington
Road, opposite the Half Way House pub. Nearby Baltic Wharf was
well named because that is where sailing ships once unloaded their
blocks of ice from Scandinavia. Agnes Ford remembered that when carts
were unloading blocks of ice local children would flock around and
ask for any chips of ice that fell off so that they could suck them
like ice lollies.
Blocks of ice could be kept intact
for some time underground in properly insulated ice wells. In
well-to-do households a primitive fridge was in use; it was a
zinc-lined box into which a block of ice was inserted at the top. But
such a convenience meant a regular call from the iceman.
According to the 1898 Directory it
was Larkin & Company who ran the ice wells in Wellington Road. By
1903 it was the Consumers Ice and Cold Storage Company who were in
charge and they applied to Portslade Council for planning permission
regarding drainage and an extension. The ice wells were still in
existence in October 1920 when planning permission was given for more
alterations to be undertaken.
By this time there was competition
from commercially produced ice. For example, by 1890 the Kent &
Sussex Ice Works were already in operation on a site in the Portland
Road area near the Aldrington boundary. On 3 December 1908 Hove
Council gave permission for an ice factory to be built in Holland
Road. W.H. Duffield submitted the plans on behalf of the Linde
British Refrigeration Company.
copyright © G. Osborne Brighton Corporation Power Station and Portslade Gas Works in the early 1900s
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
During the 1920s and 1930s there were an
increasing number of complaints from people living in the Wellington
Road area about the clouds of coal dust emanating from the
Portslade Gas Works
and the Power Station. Smuts coated everything in sight and hanging
out the washing was a problem. If you dared to try putting a few
things on the line on a sunny day, it was essential to wipe the
washing line well first of all. Windowsills were regularly covered
with a thick coating of smuts.
copyright © G. Osborne The former St Andrew's CofE School in Wellington Road. |
Adults and children suffered too because they were
often plagued by painful pieces of grit in their eyes that were
difficult to extract. Goodness knows what the fumes did to people’s
lungs. Teachers at
St Andrew’s School complained that they were
employed to teach and not to remove grit from the eyes of their
The position was much the same in the 1960s. On a
still, dank day the stench of gas was so strong that people would
phone the local Gas Board to report a gas leak. In fact it was just
fumes from the Gas Works. Women in early pregnancy had only to open
the front door to be hit with a wave of nausea caused by the smell of
Theft |
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove. Brighton Herald 9 November 1912 A ' Picture Palace' was in North Street next to Wellington Road and a ferryman of Aldrington Canal is mentioned in the above article.
A serious fire broke out on 19 April 1938 at the
premises occupied by Frank Perry Ltd in Wellington Road. The entire
stock of paints and wallpapers valued at several hundred pounds was
Portslade Fire Brigade, under 2
Officer Green, managed to prevent the fire from spreading to timber
warehouses at the back. Meanwhile, Inspector Hunt of
Portslade Police
was busy directing the traffic.
On 17 / 18 October
2000 a pine furniture unit was ablaze and most of the 120-foot
building collapsed. Sub-officer Mark O’Brien from Hove Fire Brigade
said ‘flames were leaping through the roof when we arrived.’ More
than 50 firemen from East and West Sussex Fire Brigades were on the
scene and prevented the fire from spreading to adjoining storerooms
and workshops, The cost of the damage and loss was expected to run
unto thousands of pounds.
John Eede Butt – The firm
was active at Baltic Wharf, where they imported timber and also
operated sawing mills and slate yards. Portslade Council gave them
permission for various improvements in the following years:
copyright © G. Osborne John Eede Butt's timber wharf and Portslade Gas Works in the background across the canal With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the
reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection. |
1922 – timber shed
1924 – petrol store
1927 – timber storage sheds
1928 – timber sheds
1929 – timber sheds
1930 – boat shelter
1935 – extension to timber shed
1935 – wood refuse destructor
1936 – timber storage shed
1946 – extension to timber
storage shed and sawmill
copyright © G. Osborne The layout of Baltic Wharf in the 1930s
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
Their operations were not limited
to Portslade either because they had related businesses at Brighton
and Littlehampton. Their premises at Baltic Wharf were later taken
over by Travis Perkins.
Flexer Sacks – James
Flexer founded the firm and he was born in Lithuania. He served in
the Boer War and settled in Brighton in 1913. After the Great War he
began to collect discarded potato sacks and flour sacks. He would
wash them, turn them inside out and re-sell them. After the Second
World War he was involved in making over surplus Army great coats for
civilian wear. There was also a nice little sideline in brass
buttons. The firm started off in
Clarence Street, Portslade, and in
the early days was known as Flexer’s Sacks and Bag Works, then
Flexer Paper Works and finally Flexer Sacks.
copyright © G. Osborne Flexer's factory buildings to the left of the former Alexandra Inn (now demolished)
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection.
James Flexer lived in Portland
Avenue after building up a substantial business. His three sons later
joined the firm too. The eldest, George, pioneered the use of paper
sacks in trade and industry.
In 1988 around 70 people lost
their jobs when paper sack production was moved to another company in
Aintree while the Portslade factory concentrated on making plastic
sacks. In 1993 British Polythene Industries purchased Flexer Sacks.
On 24 October 2000 Gunter Eickholt, managing director, made the shock
announcement that the Portslade factory would close within one month.
He stated that it would reduce costs by concentrating on two sites,
rather than three. However, 54 Portslade workers would lose their
jobs unless they agreed to re-locate to Stockton-on-Tees, or Ardeer,
near Glasgow.
were of course a big presence in Portslade. Many people passing by in
Wellington Road could not but be aware of the factory although if you
were looking for an actual address, you would find the entrance to
the factory in North Street, while the offices were further along on
the north side of North Street on a site now occupied by City Coast
copyright © D. Sharp
The former Flexer Sacks factory. The building site in the foreground is where the former Alexandra Inn/Harbour View Pub once stood. |
The Flexer Sacks site was allowed
to rot away quietly for an astonishing number of years while various
planning applications came and went. At length the building was
demolished, although the iron foundation structure remained and it
was not until 2017 that new brick walls started to be built. By 2018
the new building was home to The Circle, offering fitness classes
ranging from Bodypump and Boxercise to Spin, Yoga and Zuma.
In 2022 it seems likely that
the site would soon be put to a different use because Brighton &
Hove City Council has given planning permission for a new venture.
The plans were submitted by the British and Irish Modern Music
Institute (popularly known as BIMM) and the site would also be used
by its partner college, the Institute for Contemporary Theatre. The
site was owned by developer Farshad Ghiaci, and provided an arts
centre as well as a gym. The building would be changed to educational
use, and it is interesting to note that included in the planning
permission was an instruction that cycle parking must be in place
before the building could open to students.
stated they would retain an existing auditorium but wanted to create
a larger space from the three smallest dance studios. The large
storage area would be converted into smaller vocal studios, and
rehearsal rooms. The council allowed three years in which to make the
necessary internal arrangements. (Argus
July 2022 it was stated that the Department of Education had recently
granted full university status to BIMM with the process having
started in 2019. It is interesting to note that it was in 2001 that
BIMM was founded in Brighton, and now has no less than fifteen
colleges plus campuses in Berlin and Hamburg. BIMM University today
incorporates the BIMM Institute, Institute for Contemporary theatre,
Performers College, Northern Ballet School, and Screen and Film
School. Professor Louise Jackson, director and provost, was delighted
at the news. (Argus
Hove Car Spares
– It may seem an odd name because it was based in Portslade rather
than Hove, but it was a branch of the original business. It was
situated east of the old Kayser Bondor building. Robert Orman, aged
80, made the decision that the business could no longer remain in
Portslade, both because the premises needed to be rebuilt and the
business rates were too high. His son, Calvin Oram, has spent forty
years in the trade and said it was very sad to be moving from
Hove Car Spares is now to be found in more rural surroundings in
Poynings at the Forge Garage. Although they will no longer be able to
dismantle vehicles, as they did in Portslade, vehicles can still be
purchased and collected, and there are plenty of good, used items on
offer such as mirrors and car lamps. (Argus
copyright © Brighton &
Hove City Libraries This historic photograph
dating from around 1914 shows long-vanished parts of Portslade. The Britannia Flour Mills stands at the centre, the Crown Inn with the Tamplin's Ales sign is
on the right, the Star Model Laundry is on the far left. |
Star Model Laundry – This
establishment is famous in the annals of Portslade history for being
the childhood home of eminent early plane pioneers
Frederick G. Miles
(1903-1976) and his brother
George Miles (1911-1999). Their father
was the proprietor of the Star Model Laundry. He made enough of a
success with the business to make additions in 1922 and build a
mess-room and garages in 1924. Frederick showed his mechanical bent
at an early age; legend has it that at the age of three he was able
to mend a gas engine after the foreman was unable to discover what
was wrong. Fred’s passion for airplanes was activated by a joyride
at Shoreham Airport and he knew instantly that aviation was to be his
In the yard of the Star Model
Laundry Fred built his first plane with his friend Charles Gates.
Evidently, Mr Miles, senior, made enough profit from his laundry to
be able to send his sons to private school Hove College just along
the coast. This is where Fred and Charles Gates became friends and
where Gates’s eldest brother was a teacher. Local children heard
rumours about the plane-building enterprise in their midst and would
perch on the wall to watch proceedings. Fred went on to set up an
aircraft business at Shoreham Airport with pioneer pilot Cecil
Pashley. While the latter has been remembered in the naming of a road
at Shoreham, where are the plaques or memorials to the remarkable
Miles brother?
copyright © G. Osborne
The junction of Wellington Road and Church Road, to the right is the former Crown Pub, now demolished, which made way for a larger road entrance to the present day Travis Perkins building merchants at the former John Eede Butt's Baltic Wharf. With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the
reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection. |
Travis Perkins – The firm
was founded at Northampton in the 1920s and became one of the largest
timber importers in the country. In the 1950s they began to stock
other items suitable for builders’ merchants. At Portslade Travis
Perkins occupied a six-acre site at Baltic Wharf. By 1988 there were
100 branches and the firm was known as Travis & Arnold. The
Travis family were still involved with the firm and Tony Travis was
the chairman, being the grandson of the founder. In 1988 the firm
merged with Sandell Perkins, builders’ merchants, and the new
company was called Travis Perkins. In the same year it was stated
that six complete cargoes of timber arrived at Baltic Wharf from
Poland every year, and there were other cargoes from Finland, Sweden,
Canada and Russia unloaded at other ports. At any one time, the firm
carried between 3,500 and 4,000 cubic metres of timber.
On Tuesday 24 January 1995 a fire
broke out at 4 a.m. and destroyed a stock of timber worth £80,000;
at the same time the fire cause damage to the building estimated at
£80, 000. The fire was being treated as an arson attack and a
spokesman said he believed the firm had been a mistaken target in the
row about live animal exports from
Shoreham Harbour. In September
1995 Travis Perkins celebrated the opening of its re-built premises
with a party for customers and staff. In January 2001 planning
permission was given for an extension to the firm’s timber
treatment building.
copyright © J.Middleton
It is
refreshing to note the air in Wellington Road has improved to such an
extent since the days when the Gas Works belched forth fumes and grit
that today customers of Small Batch (coffee roasters) can sit outside
and enjoy the sunshine
St James Square
was a small area of housing off 19 Wellington Road. The houses did
not enjoy the benefit of mains drainage until 1901 when it was
installed, and so presumably they had to rely on cess-pits
previously. At the time of the installation, it was recorded that
there were thirteen houses. In the 1891 census there were two entries
worthy of note:
– Portslade-born James Sharp, aged 24, a licensed boatman, who
lived with his wife and father, a widower.
– Shoreham-born Reuben Waller, aged 36, blacksmith.
copyright © G. Osborne Centre - Belgrave Square with its shops in Wellington Road, to the left is St James Square, to the right is the Halfway House on the corner of Station Road
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the
reproduction the above photograph from his private
collection. |
square also had its own pub known as St James Hotel, but in the 1891
census its address was given as 1 Belgrave Terrace. In the 1881
census the hotel was occupied by Tom Gorringe, a 33-year old cook,
his wife Emily aged 35, one son and one daughter. In the 1891 census
the occupants were as follows:
Roberts, aged aged 32, publican, born in Steyning
Eliza, aged 36, and children:
aged 12
aged 4
aged 3
aged 1
aged 2 months
Southdown and East Grinstead Brewery owned the premises from 1898 to
1899 when the property was sold.
area was later occupied by the Belgrave Training Centre. But after
demolition there were plans for new housing. A giant crane was soon
in place, and the buildings began to grow rapidly. In November 2021
large notices were erected facing Wellington Road declaring that the
development would be called St James Square, thus recalling the
original name of the site. The architects of the project are Conran &
Partners on behalf of Homes for Brighton & Hove, Brighton &
Hove City Council with the Hyde Group.
copyright © D. Sharp Demolition of the Belgrave Centre for the site of the 'new' St James Square in April 2021 |
copyright © J.Middleton |
St James Square under construction on 23 February 2022
copyright © J.Middleton |
In 2003 it was announced that the
launch of St James Square would be on 10 February with the marketing
suite awaiting customers. You could hardly miss the Argus
feature since it
occupied an entire page. A computerised image of the finished
buildings was used but actually an ordinary photograph would have
been better and given people a more realistic idea of the pleasant
brick colour. It is interesting to note that the official address was
given as St James Square, Clarendon Place.
copyright © D. Sharp Wellington Road, February 2023
There are several options open to
the buyer with one, two, or three bedroom apartments not to mention a
stunning Manhattan-style studio. It is to be hoped that the project
would help people get on the property ladder through shared
ownership, and the price kicks off at £76,000. You can buy more
shares as and when, and there is an outdoor space with some of the
James is a significant development for social reasons too, being a
partnership between affordable housing provider Hyde and Brighton &
Hove City Council. Out of a total of 104 homes, 49 of them will be
available for people on the council house waiting list at affordable
rents. The project comes under the banner Homes
for Brighton and Hove. Indeed,
it is claimed to be one of the most ambitious developments for the
provision of council homes in the entire country. Another great
asset, especially in this time of soaring energy prices, is that all
the flats are energy-efficient. In addition, there will be a
bicycle-share scheme, and a car club for residents.
It is remarkable that the project
has been completed ahead of schedule – surely a very uncommon
event. It is pleasant to record that the project provided work for
sixty local people, as well as there being work placements and
apprenticeships. It is fascinating to note that there will be a
‘green corridor’ and a new pedestrian link.
managing director at Hyde, Mark Docherty, stated ‘We’re really
proud of what we’ve achieved here at Portslade.’ (Argus
copyright © D. Sharp St James Square in March 2023 with access from Clarendon Place.
March 2023 the development was being described as ‘waterfront
homes’ and already fourteen apartments have been taken. Minnie
Dando, head of marketing and communications stated ‘Demand is high
at this wonderful development.’ (Argus
Then new name plaques were installed with the east block now being
identified as ‘Harbour View, Clarence Square’ and the west block
as ‘Quay View, Clarence Square’.
certainly makes the development sound high-class, and it causes
old-timers a wry smile because back in time the area certainly would
not have been described as a desirable site for elegant housing. This
was because when the wind was in a certain direction or when there
were calm weather conditions, the Gas Works belched noxious fumes and
particles over the area. Teachers at the sea-front school regularly
had to pluck smuts from the eyes of their pupils, while house-wives
were obliged to diligently wipe their clothes line clean before
hanging out the washing. The Gas Works closed in 1971.
Clarendon Place
to the Sussex Daily News
July 1912) Clarendon Place was ‘a well-known spot for propaganda of
various kinds.’ For example, there was a meeting to commemorate the
coming into operation of the National Insurance Act. A young lady
kept on interrupting the proceedings by shouting ‘We are not going
to lick stamps. We will lick him.’ She was referring to Lloyd
On 20 January 1966 Mr H. W. King,
chairman of Sussex Industries, opened a new training centre costing
£60,000. It was known as the Belgrave Adult Training Centre and
employed 60 mentally handicapped people, and equipped trainees for
employment in industry; it was still in use in 2001.
See also
Belgrave Square,
Clarence Street,
The Jolly Sailors,
Kayser Bondor and
St Andrew's Church of England School in Wellington Road.
Argus and other
local newspapers
Census Returns
Middleton J.Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Interview with Mrs May
Wojtczak, Helena Notable Sussex
Women (2008)
Grace’s Guide to British
Industrial History
King’s College, London,
Pioneering Nurses
Miscellaneous wills
Understanding British Portraits
Thanks are due to Mr G. Osborne for allowing me to reproduce thirteen of his wonderful photographs.
Copyright © J.Middleton 2018
page layout by D.Sharp