10 July 2012

St Nicolas Portslade Churchyard - Monumental Inscriptions

Transcribed by Judy Middleton and the Revd Richard Rushforth. (1983) Revised 2023

copyright © J.Middleton
St Nicolas Church Portslade., west side of the churchyard


copyright © D. Sharp
(North face) In memory of John Hodson of this Parish 
who died September 3rd 1855 aged 73.
  1. HODSON – (Altar Tomb east face) In Memory of Jane Hodson of Portslade youngest daughter of Anthony Williams and Anna Hodson of Westmeston Place in this county who died April 1st 1816 aged 56 years. (North face) In memory of John Hodson of this parish who died September 3rd 1855 aged 73. (West face) In memory of Sarah Hodson who died May 18th 1855 aged 73. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. (South face) In memory of Philadelphia relict of the late R Bostock Esq of Lingfield, Surrey 5th daughter of the late AW and Anna Hodson of Westmeston in this county who died in Preston 13th May 1868 aged 82.
  1. STEEL – Sacred to the memory of Thomas Steel who died 11th July 1868 aged 50 years. (Broken slab leaning against the wall).
  1. BLAKER – Sacred to the memory of Anna wife of John Blaker who died 11 Decr 1853 aged 47 years. Our loss is her eternal gain / Let no rude hand annoy / Her dust now sleeps / Exempt from pa(in?) / In hope of future joy. (Broken slab).
  1. BROWN – To the memory of Henry John Brown who died April (?) 1868 aged 51 years.
  1. STRINGER – Sacred to the memory of Thomas Stringer who died June 28th 1870 aged 70 years.
  1. FRIEND – Martha Friend died 25th January 1753 aged 58 years.
copyright © J.Middleton
The east side of St Nicolas Portslade Churchyard

copyright © D.Sharp
Sarah daughter of William and Caroline Mobsby
  1. MOBSBY – In memory of Sarah daughter of William and Caroline Mobsby of Portslade Mill. She died March 16th 1865 aged 28 years. Close to this spot also lies the body of the above William Mobsby who died Sptr 25th 1855 aged 68 years. As in Adam all died so in Christ shall all be made alive.  Mason – Parson.
copyright © J.Middleton
The grave of Horace Dudney is the small one near the doorway. there is an inscription Not Lost but Gone Before.
The inscription was still legible in 1983 when a record was made but now is almost lost.
  1. DUDNEY – In memory of Horace son of William and Fanny Dudney born 10th August 1856 died 14th April 1859. Not lost but gone before. (Horace was the grandson of John Dudney of Portslade Brewery)
  1. RICHARDSON – In memory of Harriett P Richardson the beloved wife of Arthur Richardson who died December 7th 1867 aged 23 years. Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Isaiah 53.
  1. POCKNEE – In memory of Jane wife of Richard Pocknee who died 185? July 8th? Aged 31 years.
  1. BORRER – In the vault beneath are the remains of John Borrer of the Manor House in this parish who died August 12th 1866 aged 81; also Kate 2nd daughter of the above who died February 23rd 1890 aged 79 years; Sarah Anne 3rd wife of John Borrer who died January 4th 1866 aged 72; also of Sarah Anne daughter of the above who died March 6th 1908 aged 84. Only believe.
copyright © J.Middleton
Blaker Memorials 12, 13, 14 and 15
  1. BLAKER – Sacred to the memory of Thomas Blaker who died on 20th day of March 1847 aged 64 years. Also of Catherine Blaker who died on the 3rd day of April 1847 aged 71 years. Also of Cordelia Blaker sister of the above and 5th daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Blaker who died on the 17th day of September 1854 aged 66 years. Also of Walter Isaacson Blaker MA Oxon 4th son of Edward and Ellen Blaker vicar of Easterton in Wiltshire where he lies buries. He died on March 12th 1895 aged 41 years.
  1. BLAKER – AD 1616. In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of Nathaniel Blaker of this parish Gent who died on the 6th day of May 1815 aged 72 years. Also of Elizabeth widow of the aforesaid Nathaniel Blaker who died on the 17th day of May 1815 aged 69 years. Likewise of Ann their 4th daughter who died on the 2nd day of April 1811 aged 33 years. In memory also of Charles their youngest son who died on 12th April 1827 aged 40 years. Likewise of of Edward Spenser Blaker MB Cantab MRCS Eng. Only son of Edward and Emma Blaker who died at Calcutta January 16th 1897 aged 35.
  1. BLAKER – Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Susanna the 2nd daughter of Edward and Anna Kemp Blaker who died April 12th 1820 aged 8 years. Also of Anna Kemp their eldest daughter who died may 27th 1826 aged 15 years. Also of Charles their second son who died October 31st 1828 aged 18 days. Also of the above named Edward Blaker 4th son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Blaker who died April 7th 1851 aged 71 years. Also of Anna Kemp widow of the aforesaid Edward Blaker who died May 3rd 1869 in the 86th years of her age.  
  1. BLAKER – Also in the vault beneath are deposited the remains of Edward Isaacson the beloved son of Edward and Ellen Blaker who died 29th August 1852 aged 3 years and 8 months. Also of Ellen wife of Edward Blaker who died 28th May 1856 aged 28 years. Also of Emma Mary daughter of Edward and Emma D Blaker who died July 13th 1863 aged 3 years and 8 months. Also of the above named Edward Blaker of this parish eldest son of Edward and Anna Kemp Blaker who died July 26th 1883 aged 62 years. Also of Emma Diana widow of the above Edward Blaker who died April 12th 1894 aged 65 years. Also of Edith Ellen Blaker eldest daughter of the above Edward and Ellen Blaker who died October 3rd 1905 in her 52nd year. (East edge of slab) Ethel Anna Blaker died 15th June 1938. (South edge of slab) Also of Isabella Maud Blaker youngest daughter of Edward and Emma Blaker born 31st December 1869 died 17th October 1926.
  1. BLAKER – In memory of Walter Leopold son of Harry Blaker of Brighton and Anabella his wife who died 3rd February 1833? aged 16 years; also of Harriet their 2nd daughter who died February 28th 1821 aged 3 months. Also of Charles their 4th son died August 29th 1827 aged 3 years.
  1. MICHELL – In memory of Sarah Relict of John Michell of this parish who died 23 September 1776 aged 75 years. (Carved decoration of 3 cherub’s heads).
  1. HALLET – To the memory of William Hallet who died October the 25th 1757 aged 46 years. (Carved decoration of a skull and 2 cherubs).
copyright © J.Middleton
Memorials to John and Thomas Buckoll
  1. BUCKOLL John Buckoll who died November 30th 1740 aged 67 years. (carved skull, coffin and open book. The magnificent lettering means that the two Buckoll tombstones are the most beautiful in the churchyard and because they are in the lee of the porch, their condition remains excellent. John Buckoll was a tailor by trade).
  1. BUCKOLL – In memory of Thomas Buckoll who departed this life March 16th 1744 aged 38 years. (Skull carving).
  1. PETERS – (Altar tome, east side) In memory of Cheesman son of Thomas and Susannah Peters who died March 1826 aged 11 weeks. (South side) In Memory of William Cheesman who died January 3rd 1816 aged 66 years and of Susannah his wife who died October 20th 1820 aged 68 years.(West side) In Memory of Francis Peters who died ? (North side) In Memory of William Cheesman who died May 31st 1811 aged 90 years and of Susanna his wife who died August 22nd 1786 aged 69 years. (Top) In Memory of Thomas Peters who for a number of years filled various offices in this parish with zeal efficiency and with heartfelt consideration for the Poor and Aged. He died on 12th March 1858 aged 71 years. The trumpet will sound and the dead shall be raised. Rev chap 5. Also Susannah wife of the above who departed this life December 3rd 1879 aged 93 years. Also Edwin son of the above who died February 5th 1881 aged 54 years. Also of Phoebe Peters wife of the above who died July 1st 1909 aged 88 years. (Loose stone placed on top of the altar tomb). Sacred to the memory of Louisa wife of William Comber who died December 15th 182? Aged 65 years. Also of William Comber who died January 24th 1832 aged 5?8 years. Also of William son of the above who died September 11th 1835 aged 33 years. Also of Ann wife of the above who died May 25th 1839 aged 19 years. Also Mary Ann wife of the above Mary Comber (stone broken).
  1. WHITPAINE – a) Footstone RP 1831 b) Here lieth ? - ? body of Richd. Whitpaine Gent who departed this life – 20? April 1777 aged 70 years. c) Here lieth the body of Mary wife of James Newnum who died ?th August 180? aged 32 years. Also the body of Henry - - Mary Parkinson who died – April -? Also the body of the aforesaid John Parkinson who died 24th February – aged - .Also the body of - - - James Newnum died – December -? (Followed by four indecipherable lines).
  1. NEWNUM – (Altar tomb – north) In memory of Elizabeth wife of M? James Newnum and daughter of Thomas and Mary Barber who departed this life the 5? August 1785 aged 32 years. (East) In memory of Mary Anne daughter of Thomas and Mary Elgar who departed this life May 4th 1787 aged 6 years.
  1. Indecipherable.
  1. MICHELL – (Loose stone lying on top of altar tomb). To the memory of John Michell who died 14th November 1764 aged 16 months and 14 days. Also Will Michell who died 1st December 1767 aged 14 weeks 6 days Anna Michell who died 17th June 1768 aged 1 year ? months 12 days sons and daughter of John and Margaret Michell.
  1. COOM – In Memory of George Coom who died April 5th 1819 aged 76 years and Ann his wife who died March 6th 1860 aged ? years. Also of Mary their daughter who died March 30th 1823 aged 25 years and Charles their son who was drowned at sea March 1st 1833 aged 21 years. In Memory of Maria daughter of William and Mary Ann Coom who died March 20th 1831 aged 25 years. Also of Jane their daughter who died February 9th 1859 aged 27 years and Albert their son who died September 3rd 1859 aged 22 years. Also Ellen their daughter who died July 19th 1861 aged 28 years. Also of two children of the above William and Mary Ann Coom who died in infancy. Blesses are the dead which die in the Lord.
  1. NEWNUM – In Memory of Mary Newnum widow who died January 26th 1759 aged 63. (Cherub face, fine lettering).
     copyright © D.Sharp
    John son of John and Susanna Peters
  1.  PETERS – In Memory of John son of John and Susanna Peters. He departed this life ye 28th June 1782 aged 2 years 2 months. (2 cherubs).
  1. Altar tomb, no lettering visible.
  1. CLARKE – Lucy W Clarke aged 1 September 10th 1858. And the Sprit and the Bride say come even so come Lord Jesus. (Bennett, B’ton)
  1. BARTLETT – Erected to the memory of Edward Augustus the beloved and only son of Augustus and Fanny Bartlett died 17th April 1816. Aged 3 years 8 months. Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
  1. Indecipherable.
  1. MICHELL – In Memory of Thomas Michell who died October 28th 1800 aged 73 years.
  1. HUDSON – In Memory of Mary Maria wife of Henry Hudson who died March 23rd 1850 aged 50 years. In Memory of John son of John and Mary Maria Hudson who died October 15th 1860 aged 35 years. In Memory of Elizabeth Johnson daughter of Henry and Mary Maria Hudson who died April 5th 1854 aged 26 years. Also of Henry son of Henry and Mary Maria Hudson who died June 11th 1871 aged 38 years. (Footstones MM 1850 HH 1871).b) In Memory of Abraham Coom who departed this life February 21st 1829 aged 32 years. Also of Sarah Pope relict of the above who departed this life March 31st 1836 aged 80? years. C) Sacred to the memory of Harriet wife of Oliver Keeping who died April 8th 1846  aged 28 years. Also of Oliver Keeping who died December 15th 1847 aged 33 years. The above Harriet Keeping was the daughter of Henry and Mary Maria Hudson of Portslade.
  1. HUNTER – To the memory of Mary wife of Richard Hunter who died Decbr. – 1770 aged 45 years. Also of Betty their daughter who died November 24th 1777 aged ? years. Likewise of the above mentioned Richard Hunter who died March 29th 1797 aged 78 years. (There are two inserts in the stone where the name ‘Richard’ was installed – presumably because the mason cut the wrong Christian name).  
 copyright © D.Sharp
William Godley, Elizabeth Godley and Sarah Patching
  1. GODLEY – In Memory of William Godley who died 7th September 1825 aged 57 years. Also of Elizabeth his widow who died 27th February 1846 aged 67 years. And of Sarah Patching their daughter who died 2nd April 1846 aged 36 years. Elizabeth Godley was Schoolmistress of this Parish for fifty years and Sarah Patching the first Mistress of the National School. Mother and daughter alike showed the sincerity of their own faith by their unwearied exertions to lead those under their care to the knowledge of the Truth as it is in Jesus. Whose Faith follow considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and for ever.
  1. CHEESMAN – (East side) Sacred to the memory of Maria and of David the daughter and son of David and Sarah Cheesman. Also Mary Ann daughter of John and Mary Ann Goldsmith who died ? July 183?. (West side) Lettering indecipherable except for the name William Goldsmith.
copyright © J.Middleton
William Godley
  1. GODLEY – In Memory of William Godley for 25 years the faithful parish clerk of Portslade who died November 3rd 1861 aged 61 years. In the hour of death and in the day of Judgment good Lord deliver us. Also of Charlotte Godley his wife died 30th September 1879 aged 76.
  1. MOTT – To the Memory of Lucy wife of Luke Mott who died November 28th 1831 aged 57 years. To the Memory of Luke Mott who died May 5th 1842 aged 61 years. (Footstones LM 1842 LM 1831).
  1. COOM – In Memory of Fanney (sic) wife of George Coom who died March 31st 1770 aged 49 years. Also of the aforesaid George Coom who died March 31st 1771 aged 50 years. (Funerary urn and 2 cherubs).
  1. FARMER – Sacred to the memory of Francis Farmer who departed this life December 1st 1869 aged 64 years. What is life? It is a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanish away.
  1. GRINYER – Sacred to the memory of Samuel Grinyer died March 6th 1863 aged 48 years. Affliction sore long time he bore / Physicians were in vain / Till death did seize and God did please / To ease him of his pain. Bungard, Hove
  1. HUNT – In Memory of Robert Charles Hunt who died 21st October 1853 aged 21 years.
  1. HUDSON – In Memory of Ann daughter of Henry and Mary Maria Hudson who died February 11th 1831 aged 2 months. Also William their son who died March 4th 1836 aged 2 days. Likewise Ellen their daughter September 28th 1841 aged 1 year. (Footstones EH 1841 AH 1831 WH 1836).
  1. POLLARD – (East side) Sacred to the memory of Philip Pollard who died 2nd September 1831 aged 68 years. (West side) Sacred to the memory of James Pollard who died 26th September 1828 aged 81 years. Also of Paulina relict of the above who died 26th January 1835 aged 82 years. Also of Mary wife of Philip Pollard who died 13th July 1839 aged 65 years. Also of Jemima wife of William Pullen and daughter of James an Paulina Pollard who died 27th July 1839 aged 42 years.
  1. WINGENROTH – In Memory of Mary Wingenroth who died December ? 1838 aged 31 years. (There follows an inscription of 14 lines but some of the words are unreadable). She was Mistress of the Portslade / Parochial School / Blest with a talent      un / Dertaking she / Conscientous / Improving those under her care by / Useful knowledge / Them above all things / Their God   in the days of their / Youth / In private life she was a pattern / Of kindness and Christian charity / Our days on the earth are as a / Shadow and there is none abiding.

    copyright © J.Middleton
    William Kerr
  2. KERR – Fight the good fight lay hold on eternal life. In Memory of William Kerr who died on March 25th 1854 aged 75. William Kerr was for 18 years a Private in the 12th Light Dragoons and served in Egypt, Spain and Flanders under Abercrombie and Wellington. He was present at the Battles of Alexandria, Salamanca, Vittoria and Waterloo. He resided 36 years in this parish and was remarkable during the latter part of his life for his gentleness of disposition and general good conduct. He died hoping and praying for mercy in the name of his Redeemer.

    copyright © D. Sharp
    In April 2023 a volunteer member of the
    Napoleonic & Revolutionary War Graves Charity
    kindly visited St Nicolas churchyard to clean
    William Kerr’s gravestone.

  1. DODD – In Memory of Philip Dodd who died 29th January 1789 aged 63 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died 4th February 1811 aged 86 years.
copyright © J.Middleton
Richard Pollard
  1. POLLARD – In memory of Richard Pollard son of Richard and Susan Pollard who died ye 4th of March 1719 aged 8 years. Also Richard Pollard the fifth son of Ric (sic) and Susan Pollard who died ye 13th June 1772 aged 14 years. Also Ricd Pollard father of the above sons ye 24th August 1788 aged 76 years.
  1. PENTECOST – Sacred to the memory of Mrs Ann Pentecost who departed this life March 13th 1849 aged 84 years.
  1. WESTGATE – To the memory of William Westgate obi the 9th October 1834 aged 78 years. (There is a 7-line inscription impossible to decipher. Footstone WW 1834).
  1. HILL – Sacred to the memory of Sarah Hill daughter of James and Harriet Hill who died September 21, 1865 aged ? years 3 months. (There is a 3-line inscription too worn to read).
  1. BOX(OL?) – Sacred to the memory of George Box(ol?) served 23 years in the 17th Regiment and who died 2nd March 1868 aged 59 years. It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes. 119 Psalm 71st verse.
  1. HUGGETT – Sacred to the memory of Adelaide daughter of William and Mary Huggett who died December 30th 1833 aged ? years. (Unreadable 2-line text) Matthew.
  1. Mary aged 79 years By Grace are ye saved through Faith.
copyright © D.Sharp
Mary Ann Killinder
  1. KILLINDER – Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann Killinder who died December 29th 1863 aged 59 years. My flesh shall slumber in the ground / Till the last joyful trumpets sound / Then burst the chains with sweet surprise / And in my Saviour's image rise. The inscription is from the last verse of Isaac Watts’ hymn and psalm 17:2  "Lord, I am thine; but thou wilt prove", except for line two, which in the original hymn and psalm reads Till the last trumpet's joyful sound.
  1. Indecipherable.
  1. PARKER – Edward Parker died here aged about fourscore Years. All through life a Friend Sweet. He died    1798. (Scallop shell decoration).
copyright © J.Middleton
The west side of St Nicolas Portslade Churchyard

 copyright © D.Sharp
Jane Goble, & Tuppen Family
  1. GOBLE – Prepare to meet thy God.  In memory of Jane Goble who died March 31st 18(8?)2. We all do fade as a leaf. In memory of Richard and Mary Tuppen and their daughter Mary. Also of Hannah Tuppen Also of Hannah and Richard children of William and Hannah Tuppen.
   copyright © D.Sharp
Thomas & Mary Stedman
  1. STEDMAN – Here lies interred the body of Mr Thomas Stedman who departed this life the 7th February 1788 aged 46 Years. Also Mary wife of the above Tho Stedman who departed this life the 9th April 1788 aged 46 years.
  1. ARNOLD – Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of John Arnold who died January 19th 1813 aged 35 years. Also of John Arnold who died March 12th 1850 aged 69 years.
  copyright © D.Sharp
Anthony & Mary Patching
  1. PATCHING – In memory of Anthony Patching who died December 4th 1839 aged 84 years. Also of Mary, his wife who died May 31st 1841 aged 77 years. It is a faithful saying; for if we be / dead with him, we shall also live / with him. 2 Tim. 11 Chapt. 11th verse. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen. Romans XVI. 24th verse.
 copyright © D.Sharp
Patching Family graves numbers 63 & 64
  1. PATCHING – Sacred to the memory of John Patching who departed this life on the 18th September 1867 aged 69 years. Also of Mary Patching daughter of the above who departed this life on 12th October 1860 aged 32 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. Chap. 13.
  1. PATCHING – In affectionate remembrance of Mary, widow of John Patching who died October 21st 1888 aged 88 years. Her children arise and call her blessed. Also of Jane Thompson daughter of the above who died November 5th 1919 aged 82 years. (Footstone JP 1867 MP 1860 MP 1888 Footstone 1864)
  1. CLARK – Sacred to the memory of Richard Clark who died April 13th 1832 aged 46 years. Also of Jane wife of the above who died October 8th 1869 aged 62 years. 
  1. BEARD – Sacred to the memory of John Beard who died September 12th 1834 aged 71 years. Also of Jane his wife who died November 6th 1826 aged 39 years. And of John their son who died February 25th 1826 aged 16 years.
copyright © D.Sharp
Eliza Jane Clayton
  1. CLAYTON – In memory of Eliza Jane the beloved daughter of James and Frederick and Eliza Clayton who died October 3rd 1864 aged 13 years and 10 months. Weep not dear Mother! Weep not I am blest, / And must leave Heaven should I return to thee; / For I am where the weary are at rest. / The wicked cease from troubling;- Come to me. He giveth his beloved sleep.
 copyright © D.Sharp
Samuel Bampshare
  1. BAMPSHARE In memory of Samuel Bampshare who departed this life March 26th aged 56 years. Be ye also ready.
  1. BUTCHER – Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth wife of John Butcher who died 27th March 1816 aged 75 years.
copyright © D.Sharp
Mary & Samuel Godsmark
    1. GODSMARK – Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of Samuel Godsmark (small k above line) who departed this life January 1st 1803 aged 27 years. Also of Samuel Godsmark who departed this life April 9th 1829 aged 56 years. The Lord gave and the Lord / Hath taken away. Blessed is the name of the Lord.
    1. OLSEN – Sjibsforer Bernt Nikolai Olsen fod taa Fandoen I Norge 25 Juli 1827 dod – Shoreham 4 Juli 1864. Hans –ro og Trosi var Herrens ord. / Han tog sin srelser med ombord. / Dersor I somands rette havn / Hans anker faldt I Jesu navn. / Sig mine elskte paa fie-ne o  / Jeg hviler i Herrens - / Bringdem et t—so / (5 lines indecipherable / Gud --- er antager sig - / Paa Ham skal i stole / Farvel og vel mode – dag / I Herrens - .      Phillips, Brighton. (Translation supplied by the Royal Norwegian Embassy. Shipmaster Bernt Nikolai Olsen born at Fandoen in Norway 25 July 1827 died at Shoreham 4 July 1864. He was calm and believed in the word of God / He took his Lord with him aboard / Therefore, in the seaman’s harbour / His anchor fell in the name of Jesus. / Tell my beloved at ---- island / I rest in the Lord’s - / Bring them a --- so / God ---- / In Him we trust / Farewell and ‘so long’ / in the Lord’s -. (This inscription is an object lesson to the local historian not to jump to the obvious conclusion. Captain Olsen of the brigantine Rederinden from Ostteroser (Öster Riisöer ?) in Norway did not come to grief at sea. In fact the unfortunate man lost his life because he stepped out of the train at Portslade Station on the wrong side – straight into the path of the Brighton express train. The tombstone is no longer upright, having been pushed over by vandals).
      copyright © D.Sharp 
    Hannah & John Patching
    1. PATCHING – In memory of Hannah wife of John Patching died April 28th 1830 aged 72 years. In memory of John Patching who died April 21st 1833 aged 62 years.
      copyright © D.Sharp  
    Grave numbers from the left:- 73,74,75,76,77 & 78
    1. CLENT – Sacred to the memory of Thomas William Clent infant son of William and Sarah Clent died Octr. 10th 1856 aged 7 weeks. (Footstone TWC 1856).
    1. CAPLAN – Sacred to the memory of James Caplan who died October 13th 1850 aged 29 years. Also Clara daughter of James and Esther Caplan who died December 13th 1850 aged 4 months. (Footstones JC 1850 CC 1850).
    1. GODDARD – Sacred to the memory of Thomas Goddard son of James and Sarah Goddard who departed this life 8th September 1847 aged 54 years. Also of Mary wife of the above Thomas Goddard who departed this life Octr. 13th 1866 aged 72 years. (Footstones TG 1847).
    1. GODDARD – Sacred to the memory of Mary Goddard daughter of Thomas and Mary Goddard of Portslade who departed this life July 25th 1843 aged 18 years.
    1. GODDARD – Sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of Thomas Goddard who departed this life Sepbr. 13th 1849 aged 80 years. (Footstone SG 1849)
    1. GODDARD – Sacred to the memory of James Goddard who departed this life Septr. 29th 1841 aged 75 years.
      copyright © D.Sharp 
    Charlotte Buster
    1. BUSTER – Sacred to the memory of Charlotte daughter of Will and Charlotte Buster who died Febry. 11th 1847 aged 2 years and 9 months.
      copyright © D.Sharp
    Thomas Brown
    1. BROWN -  In memory of Thomas Brown who died February 6th 1867 aged 74 years. Also of Sarah, wife of the above who died April 26th 1866 aged 73 years.
     copyright © D.Sharp
    William son of Walter & Charlotte Hylands
    1. HYLANDS – Sacred to the memory of William son of Walter and Charlotte Hylands who died 3rd June 1867 aged 22 years. Also Henry their son who was drowned 16 miles off Whitby on the 7th of December 1866 aged 20 years. Also Lewis their son who died 13th June 1865 aged 14 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also Walter Hylands father of the above who died November 26th 1867 aged 58 years. Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
     copyright © D.Sharp 
    John & Caroline Blaker & Grandson John
    1. BLAKER – In memory of John Blaker who died October 22nd 1816 aged 32 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Be ye therefore ready also for / the son of Man cometh at an /Hour when we think not. Also of John son of John and Jemima Blaker and grandson of  who died July 28th 1870. Aged 9 months. Also of Caroline widow of the aforesaid John Blaker who died July 17th 1858 aged 43 years. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
    copyright © J.Middleton
     John Horn of Abbasand
    1. HORN – John Horn of Abbasand in Hampshire was buried here January ye 17th  1736 aged 26 years.
    1. WEST – In memory of Ann wife of Elijah West died February 19th 1870 aged 69 years. O death where is thy sting O grave where thy victory. (Footstone AW 1870)
    1. BLAKER – Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Blaker of Hurstpierpoint who departed this life February 1st 1817 in the 83rd year of her age.
    copyright © J.Middleton
    Blaker Memorials 86 and 87
    1. BLAKER – In memory of John Blaker of Lewes died 18th June 1851 aged 77 years. And of Sarah, his wife, died 27th February 1832 aged 56 years. Also of Emily, their 5th daughter died 22nd April 1825, aged 14 years. Also of Elizabeth, their 2nd daughter, died 29th July 1825, aged 24 years. Also of Cordelia, their 4th daughter, died 13th March 1827, aged 20 years. Also of Mary Ann, their 3rd and last surviving daughter, died 6th January 1890, aged 87 years
    1. BLAKER – In memory of John Blaker, the younger of Lewes died 8th April 1864 aged 59 years. Also of Ada Matilda, 2nd daughter of the above, and Mary his wife died 2nd June 1845, aged 3 weeks. Also of Henrietta, their eldest daughter, died 29th July 1876, aged 36 years. Also of Mary, wife of the above named John Blaker, died 9th February 1880, aged 71 years. Also of Arthur Beckett, elder son of the above named John and Mary Blaker, died 25th August 1914, aged 71 years. Also of Elizabeth Jane, wife of the above named Arthur Beckett Blaker, died March 15th 1924 aged 69 years.
    1. BLAKER – Also of Lieutenant Arthur Wilfrid Blaker RN HMS Inflexible, elder son of Arthur Beckett and Elizabeth Jane Blaker, killed in action in the Dardanelles, March 18th 1915 aged 26 years. He was buried at sea.
    1. BLAKER – Also in memory of the daughters and younger son of Arthur Beckett and Elizabeth Jane Blaker; Dorothy Kathleen Hodgson 7th February 1888 – 16th December 1960. Brenda Mary Gordon Jones 12th March 1891 – 5th March 1962. Geoffrey Beckett Blaker 15th March 1893 – 2nd May 1963. Barbara Joan Graham 24th December 1894 – 30th May 1948.
    1. BUCKOLL – Buckoll died June 1st 1780 aged 6? Years.

      See also the page :-  Trafalgar Road & The Forgotten Footstones & Henry Scrase
    copyright © J.Middleton
    St Nicolas Church, Portslade., east side of the churchyard

    The above Transcribed by the Revd Richard Rushforth and Judy Middleton in 1983

    For information of Churchyard burials at St Nicolas Church, South Street, Portslade contact The East Sussex Record Office who now hold all burial records for this churchyard.

    St Nicolas Church Portslade is the only Church in Portslade with a churchyard for burials, which was closed for burials in 1871.

    The Parishes of St Leonard’s Church, Aldrington, Hove and St Helen’s Church, Hangleton, allowed the burial of people from Portslade in their churchyards from 1871 until the new Portslade Cemetery was in operation in 1872.

    For information of burials after 1872 in Portslade Cemetery, which is located off Victoria Road, contact the Brighton & Hove City Council.

    See also St Nicolas Portslade Church Memorial Inscriptions

    St Nicolas Church is in the Parish of Portslade St Nicolas & St Andrew & Mile Oak The Good Shepherd

    Copyright © J.Middleton 2012
    page layout by D.Sharp