Judy Middleton 2001 (revised 2019)
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copyright © D. Sharp A view of the allotments looking north to Portslade's former Brewery and the tower of St Nicolas Church on the right in June 2018 |
At one time ordinary folk had access to common
land to pasture their animals or grow crops and there was an open
field system. But from way back in Tudor times, the pernicious
practice of enclosure began to grow apace. This meant that great
swathes of common land were taken away from the general populace and
handed over to wealthy landowners. It is interesting to note that the
last such Act of Enclosure locally occurred at Portslade in
relatively recent times in 1861 when Tenantry Hill and Foredown Hill
ceased to be common land. Before this, some tenants enjoyed certain
rights to pasture their sheep or cows on the hills at designated
times of the year.
Some of the clergy recognised the injustice done
to the working man trying to support his family and it is thought the
Bishop of Bath and Wells was the first person to come up with the
idea of allotments in 1807. The Bishop was also of the opinion that
it would be good for the health of industrial workers if they could
get out in the fresh air and grow produce to feed their families.
This idea caught on to such an extent that under
the Allotments Acts of 1887 and 1890 the provision of allotments for
the labouring classes was made compulsory if such a need existed. In
the Smallholdings and Allotments Act of 1908 local authorities had a
duty to provide allotments while the Allotment Act of 1922 stated
that all places with a population of over 10,000 people must have an
Allotment Committee. These Acts remain relevant to this day.
Early Portslade Allotments
The Ordnance Survey Map for 1909 show that
there were allotments south of Shelldale Road. There were other
allotments north of Victoria Road but there were still brickworks
between the allotments and Victoria Recreation Ground. In 1945 the
tenants of allotments situated at the back of Fryco’s factory were
told that the land was required for the new Benfield School.
The Portslade and District Allotment Holders and Amateur Gardener's Association.
Under the Defence of the Realm Act 1914 (DORA) the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing gave powers to local authorities to take over unused plots of land for allotments, to help solve the problem of ever increasing food shortages caused by German blockades.
The Brighton Herald reported on 12 September 1914, 'vegetables and fruits were donated by Portslade’s allotment holders to Belgian Refugees housed in St Mary’s School in Church Road."
See the Belgian Refugees in Portslade page
The Portslade and District Allotment Holders and Amateur Gardener's Association.
Under the Defence of the Realm Act 1914 (DORA) the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing gave powers to local authorities to take over unused plots of land for allotments, to help solve the problem of ever increasing food shortages caused by German blockades.
The Brighton Herald reported on 12 September 1914, 'vegetables and fruits were donated by Portslade’s allotment holders to Belgian Refugees housed in St Mary’s School in Church Road."
See the Belgian Refugees in Portslade page
1 September 1915 the Portslade and District Allotments Holders and Amateur Gardeners Association held their second annual show at St Nicolas Church Hall in Abinger Road. The Association had 104 members and there were twenty-five classes in the exhibition. One of the three judges was Mr N. Higgs, gardener to Walter Mews of Loxdale.
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copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove A report from the Brighton & Hove & South Sussex Graphic for the 9 September 1915 |
Some of the notable Vice-Presidents of the Portslade Allotments Association in 1915 :-
Revd V.A. Boyle, Vicar of Portslade and Chairman of the Portslade Allotments Association, who served as the personal secretary and editor to the social reformers Canon Samuel and Henrietta Barnett at Toynbee Hall in the East End of London in the early 1900s.
Mr J.H. Bristow, Hon. Sec. of the Portslade Allotments Association and Hon. Sec. of the Independent Labour Party (Brighton Branch)
Mr J.H. Bristow, Hon. Sec. of the Portslade Allotments Association and Hon. Sec. of the Independent Labour Party (Brighton Branch)
Colonel W.R. Campion D.S.O, Conservative MP for Lewes, In 1915 he served with the Royal Sussex Regiment in the Gallipoli Campaign. In 1924 he was awarded a knighthood and appointed Governor of Western Australia. Colonel Campion lived at Danny Park, Hurstpierpoint.
Mr T.B. French, grocer in Bampfield Street.
Mr A.W. Green, owner and manager of Petersfield Laundry.
Mr F. Hart, butcher in Trafalgar Road.
Mr W. Hillman J.P., Chairman of Portslade Council, Churchwarden of St Andrew's Church, Farmer at East Hill, builder and Chief Officer of Portslade Fire Brigade in Church Road.
Revd H.H. Jones, Curate at St Nicolas Church (away at the War Front in France, serving in the military chaplaincy)
Mr G. Miles, Portslade surveyor and architect, built Beulah Mission Hall in Beaconsfield Road and decorated the Chapels in Portslade Cemetery, George Miles was the father the Miles Brothers who designed and built aircrafts at Shoreham Airport.
Mr R. Price, Headmaster of St Nicolas Boys School and Hon. Treasurer of Portslade Allotments Association
Mr J.C. Rokeby-Hallen, a prolific author of sports books and proprietor of the Brighton & Hove & South Sussex Graphic newspaper. He lived at the Highlands in the Old Shoreham Road. Mr Rokeby-Hallen was the Hon. Recruiting Officer for the 'Sportsmen's Battalion' in Brighton and Hove.
Mr C.H. Rutter C.E., general manager of Portslade Gas Works
Mr W. Swaysland, naturalist, taxidermist and author of bird books, quoted by Charles Darwin in the Origin of Species, Councillor on Portslade Council and Vice Chairman of the Portslade Allotments Association. Some of Walter Swaysland's taxidermy specimens can be seen in Brighton's Booth Museum.
Misses K. and M. Watson lived at Portslade House. and were the granddaughters of the Dowager Viscountess Hood of Whitley.
The auditors of the Association were Mr E Abraham, landlord of the Battle of Trafalgar Inn and Mr J. Miles, Headmaster of St Andrew's School, Portslade.
With so many major Portslade employers, community leaders and local personalities represented amongst the President and Vice Presidents of the Portslade and District Allotment Holders Association, there must have been extra pressure on employees and Portslade residents to take up allotments and help with the War effort.
Mr T.B. French, grocer in Bampfield Street.
Mr A.W. Green, owner and manager of Petersfield Laundry.
Mr F. Hart, butcher in Trafalgar Road.
Mr W. Hillman J.P., Chairman of Portslade Council, Churchwarden of St Andrew's Church, Farmer at East Hill, builder and Chief Officer of Portslade Fire Brigade in Church Road.
Revd H.H. Jones, Curate at St Nicolas Church (away at the War Front in France, serving in the military chaplaincy)
Mr G. Miles, Portslade surveyor and architect, built Beulah Mission Hall in Beaconsfield Road and decorated the Chapels in Portslade Cemetery, George Miles was the father the Miles Brothers who designed and built aircrafts at Shoreham Airport.
Mr R. Price, Headmaster of St Nicolas Boys School and Hon. Treasurer of Portslade Allotments Association
Mr J.C. Rokeby-Hallen, a prolific author of sports books and proprietor of the Brighton & Hove & South Sussex Graphic newspaper. He lived at the Highlands in the Old Shoreham Road. Mr Rokeby-Hallen was the Hon. Recruiting Officer for the 'Sportsmen's Battalion' in Brighton and Hove.
Mr C.H. Rutter C.E., general manager of Portslade Gas Works
Mr W. Swaysland, naturalist, taxidermist and author of bird books, quoted by Charles Darwin in the Origin of Species, Councillor on Portslade Council and Vice Chairman of the Portslade Allotments Association. Some of Walter Swaysland's taxidermy specimens can be seen in Brighton's Booth Museum.
Misses K. and M. Watson lived at Portslade House. and were the granddaughters of the Dowager Viscountess Hood of Whitley.
The auditors of the Association were Mr E Abraham, landlord of the Battle of Trafalgar Inn and Mr J. Miles, Headmaster of St Andrew's School, Portslade.
With so many major Portslade employers, community leaders and local personalities represented amongst the President and Vice Presidents of the Portslade and District Allotment Holders Association, there must have been extra pressure on employees and Portslade residents to take up allotments and help with the War effort.
After the First World War
in 1918 the Portslade Allotments and Horticultural
Society was founded, and thus it is celebrating its centenary in
Camp Site Allotments
There have been allotments on this site since 1919. It was once part of land belonging to Portslade House and later occupied by Windlesham House School.
During the Great War a military camp occupied the area which included the Army School of Cooking – hence the name 'Camp'.
In September 1933 holders asked Portslade Council
about the possibility of re-opening the entrance to the site from
South Street and they also asked for water to be laid on. The Council
conducted a survey among the holders to find out how many people were
in favour. Out of 228 holders, there was no reply from 115, 27 were
against it and 86 in favour. The Council was not satisfied with the
number of people who did not bother to reply and resolved to try
From 1938 allotment holders could purchase seeds
from their very own ‘shop' set up in a hut on site. On occasions
there were queues of as many as 50 keen gardeners waiting outside to
buy their chosen seeds, which would be placed in brown envelopes. It
is pleasant to record that even after the establishment of Mayberry
Garden Centre practically opposite, the little 'shop' is still open
for business to members of Portslade Allotments and Horticultural
Society on three mornings a week.
In 1994 it was reported that high levels of lead
had been discovered in the soil and there was also some contamination
with arsenic and zinc. The Council had no idea of how this had
occurred and said that vegetables grown there were safe to eat
provided they were washed thoroughly before use.
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copyright © D. Sharp The land on the east side of road (Windlesham Close) was once a part of Portslade Allotments, now occupied by Rotary Point, Evelyn Court and blocks of flats and houses. |
By 1994 the site consisted of 127 plots of varying
size. In its heyday the allotment site had stretched across the east
part as well. But then the popularity of allotments waned while the
need for building land shot up and so that part was given over to
housing. First came Portslade Old People’s Club built by the WVS in
1958. Then followed Rotary Point and Evelyn Court for old folk and
finally blocks of flats and houses.
These three plots were put up for auction at the
Old Ship Hotel, Brighton on 29 May 1923
By 1974 Portslade had 460 allotments. In June 1981
it was announced that that a new 5 acre site would be provided near
Foredown Hospital. The ground was part grass and part market garden.
Hove Council agreed to spend £30,000 on converting the site. This
was because the smallholding site at Elm Drive, Hove had been closed.
But by January 1994 Hove Council was concerned because only three of
the 46 plots were occupied; by April 2000 just two allotments were
being worked. There was an idea it might be turned into a nature
According to the Argus (27 November 2018) the Foredown Hill area came under the care of the Wildlife Trust, palmate and smooth newts became established in the pond. Two years ago Mrs Lucy Collins took over the land from the Trust and used it to create a ‘forest’ nursery school where youngsters could get close to nature. But first of all Mrs Collins had to remove a mountain of rubbish, illegally tipped there. The idea of ‘forest’ schools is a fashionable concept amongst those who feel children have became too divorced from natural surroundings. The Foredown school is called Bee in the Woods, and at present operates for three days a week. Mrs Collins would like her venture to become a full-time nursery school, although some neighbours worry about the noise.
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copyright © D. Sharp A view of Portslade Allotments from the tower of St Nicolas Church, the building in the foreground is Whychcote. |
Some Portslade Allotments in 1923
Portslade Council rented land for allotments as
1) 12 acres, 1 rood, 30 poles between Victoria
Road and Old Shoreham Road @ £59-7-10d a year
2) 5 acres, 1 rood and 16 poles in Shelldale Road
@ £24-10s a year
3) A small plot at the back of St Nicolas Church Hall in
Abinger Road @ £1-03d a year
St Andrew’s Road
By 1932 Portslade Council had 31.5 acres of
permanent allotments and three acres of temporary allotments. Part of
the latter may have included a site near the back of St Andrew’s
Road close to Portslade Police Station that the Council purchased in 1930. There were some cultivated
plots that three men requested permission to continue to use. Mr J.
Goble, tenant of an orchard on this land, rented it from the Council
for £18-15s for nine months in 1930.
Search for More Land
In December 1935 Portslade Council were
considering whether or not to acquire more land for allotments from
the following sources:
1) Land owned by Lord Sackville on the east side
of Mill House Estate 5.666 acres
2) Land owned by Brighton Council approximately
530 yards from St Nicolas Church and north of land owned by the
3) Land on Mile Oak Road and east of land owned by
London County Council (Mile Oak Approved School) 2.848 acres
In 1936 Portslade Council approached Mr H. Reed
about selling three acres near Mile Oak Road. They also talked to
Brighton Council about selling or leasing 10 acres called the Jubilee
Then in 1937 Portslade Council started looking
further north and talked about the compulsory purchase of 25 acres
north of Chalky Road from farmers A.J. Broomfield and S.H. West. The
Council wanted 5 acres on the east side to be devoted to allotments.
But Mr Broomfield thought otherwise. He did not mind 20 acres being
used for housing or as a public open space but he certainly did not
want allotments. Instead he offered the Council 5 acres adjacent to
the east side of the Paddocks Estate. If the Council refused this
offer, Mr Broomfield would fight the Compulsory Purchase Order. The
Council agreed and the Mile Oak allotments were established. But this
site had a short lifespan because in the 1960s the land was sold for
development and Heathfield Crescent and Heathfield Drive were built
on it.
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copyright © D. Sharp Mile Oak Allotments looking east towards Mont Zion and Foredown Hill in june 2018. |
The new Mile Oak allotments were sited further
north with the main access being from Gorse Close. The allotments are
situated in a hollow and a planting of trees and whips have been made
on the east side.
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copyright © D. Sharp Mile Oak Allotments looking west towards Southwick Hill in June 2018. |
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copyright © D. Sharp A small section of the many plots being worked at Foredown allotments in February 2019 |
According to the Argus (27 November 2018) the Foredown Hill area came under the care of the Wildlife Trust, palmate and smooth newts became established in the pond. Two years ago Mrs Lucy Collins took over the land from the Trust and used it to create a ‘forest’ nursery school where youngsters could get close to nature. But first of all Mrs Collins had to remove a mountain of rubbish, illegally tipped there. The idea of ‘forest’ schools is a fashionable concept amongst those who feel children have became too divorced from natural surroundings. The Foredown school is called Bee in the Woods, and at present operates for three days a week. Mrs Collins would like her venture to become a full-time nursery school, although some neighbours worry about the noise.
Eastbrook Farm Allotments
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copyright © D. Sharp The Brighton & Hove City Council owned Eastbrook Farm Allotments on the West Sussex side of the East Sussex boundary path in June 2018. |
At some stage, most probably in the 1920s,
Portslade Council acquired the Eastbrook Farm site for allotments.
Technically of course the site was not in Portslade at all but over
the border in Southwick. But land was so scarce in south Portslade
with the area becoming so built up that there was not a great deal of
choice. The proximity of the Power Station did nothing to enhance the
site either. In fact in December 1930 the sum of £13-1-3d was paid
in compensation to those holders who had suffered damage during the
erection of cable towers in connection with the Southwick
In March 1930 holders complained to Portslade
Council that people persisted in using the site as a short cut or as
a place in which to exercise their dogs. The Council responded by
erecting a notice Private Property. Trespassers will be
In 1933 Portslade Council conducted a survey to
see how many holders wanted a water supply laid on. Out of 222
holders, 112 did not deign to reply, 30 were against it and 80 were
in favour of a water supply.
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copyright © D. Sharp The southern section of Eastbrook Farm Allotments |
In 1934 the holders thought the Council ought to
prohibit the use of fish offal for fertiliser because the smell
attracted stray dogs and cats.
In June 1939 the holder of plot 333 wanted his
rent suspended because his plot was unusable due to pylons erected by
the Central Electricity Board.
In March 1993 it was stated that two holders would
have to vacate their plots so that pylons could be re-sited but they
would be compensated.
By June 1996 it was reported that there were 25%
of vacancies at the site.
In recent time there have been ambitious plans to
re-develop the land for housing or industrial use and indeed the part
nearest Old Shoreham Road has been cleared. But the south part
continues in use while the rest remains disused. The problem is of
course the pylons with health fears for people who might occupy
houses underneath the power lines.
Middleton J, Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Local newspapers
Portslade Council Minutes at The Keep
Portslade Local August 2018
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
page layout and additional research by D. Sharp