Judy Middleton 2001 (revised 2023)
copyright © G. Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne
for granting permission for the
reproduction and editing of the above photograph from his private
collection - 'The North Street area of Portslade by Sea, circa 1930s' |
Belgrave Square was located off 9 Wellington Road,
Portslade. To confuse matters further, in the 1861 census mention was
made of Belgrave Place situated in Portslade Old Village near the
George Inn, but perhaps this was an error.
However, in the 1891 census relating to Belgrave
Square, off
Wellington Road, Henry Peters, Portslade-born market
gardener, lived at number 3 with his wife Rosina (born at Shoreham)
and their children Minnie, 14, George, 12 (both born in Portslade)
Abraham 10, Charles, 8 and Ethel, 9 (all born in Lancing) plus
another son who was born in Brighton. The Peters were a well-known
Portslade family with several generations resident in the
Portslade Old Village
Walter Burgess lived at number 6. He was a 39-year
old blacksmith who was born in Lewes. He lived with his wife Alice
aged 27 and their children Arthur, 3, and Emily aged two. It is
interesting to note that John Burgess (1822-1914) and his son Hugh
Burgess (1875-1956) ran the old
Foredown Forge.
Boer War Veteran
In July 1901 Private Philip Pattenden, of the Army
Medical Corps, returned to Portslade following service during the
Boer War. He found that half of Portslade had turned out to greet
him, forming a large procession with flags and banners. Portslade
Brass Band led the way, followed by the Bonfire Boys with torches and
banners, and the entire
Portslade Fire Brigade under Captain E.J.
Parker. There were many others including the Slate Club from the
Windmill Inn. The procession escorted Private Pattenden to his
home in Belgrave Square.
St James’s Square
The St James's Hotel was located at St James’s Square
although the 1891 census gives the address as 1 Belgrave Terrace. St
James’s Square was not far from Belgrave Square, being a small area
off 19
Wellington Road.
Tom Gorringe, 33-year old cook, occupied the hotel
in 1881 with his wife Emily, 35, one son and one daughter.
Steyning-born Michael Roberts was the publican in
1891 and he was aged 32. He lived with his wife Eliza, 36, and their
children Michael 12, Frederick 4, Arthur, 3, Edward, 1, and two-month
old George,
Southdown and East Grinstead Brewery owned the
hotel from 1898 to 1899 when it was sold.
copyright © G. Osborne
Belgrave Square with its shops in Wellington Road, to the left is St James's Square, to the right is the Halfway House on the corner of Station Road. With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the
reproduction the above photograph from his private
collection |
The 1909 Suffragette Rally in Clarendon Place
Clarendon Place was located on the north side of St James's Square at a junction with North Street.
Clarendon Place's layout, made it a natural amphitheatre for a rally,
earlier in the year Helen Charlotte Elizabeth Ogston
(1882-1973) gave speeches at the suffragette
rallies at
Hove Town Hall and Brighton's Dome.
On the 29 July 1909 a large Suffragette rally was held in Clarendon Place.
Helen Ogston spoke to a large crowd of about 1000 people. (The population of Portslade in 1901 was 7,800)
Helen Ogston was the
suffragette who a year earlier, became famous for interrupting David Lloyd George on 5 December 1908 at a
meeting in the Royal Albert Hall. Whilst she was being evicted she
was violently assulted by the stewarts and fought back using a dog whip.
As a result of the demonstration, women were banned from attending
future talks by Lloyd George.
Ogston later commented on the incident, 'a
man put the lighted end of his cigar on my wrist; another struck me
in the chest. The stewards rushed into the box and knocked me down. I
said I would walk out quietly, but I would not submit to their
handling. They all struck at me. I could not endure it. I do not
think we should submit to such violence. It is not a question of
being thrown out; we are set upon and beaten.’
Helen Ogston was dubbed by the Brighton Herald - 'a militant Amazon of dog whip fame'
copyright © Royal
Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove Brighton Argus 30 July 1909 |
The 1940s
Belgrave Square had its own little shops and
surprisingly enough there were two general grocery stores one on
either corner with Parrot’s store next door to the
Halfway House
pub in
Station Road. At the back of the square were stables occupied by Mr
Hamblin, the rag-and-bone man, and Mr Drew, coalman.
The square was demolished in the 1950s as part of
a slum-clearance scheme. The original 'Belgrave Square' area was incorporated into the existing Clarendon Place in
Belgrave Training Centre
copyright © D. Sharp
The former Belgrave Training Centre viewed from Wellington Road in August 2018 |
On 20 January 1966 Mr H.W. King, chairman of
Sussex Industries, opened the Belgrave Training Centre, which had
cost £60,000 to build. This establishment was named after Belgrave
Square, although its official address was Clarendon Place. It kept
the ‘Belgrave’ but was known variously as Belgrave Centre,
Belgrave Adult Training Centre, and later as Belgrave Day Centre.
Initially, it employed some 60 people with learning difficulties,
and equipped trainees for employment in industry.
copyright © E. Young
Mr David Hetherington |
David Hetherington was a local
resident who benefited from his time at Belgrave Day Centre. He took
part in some interesting courses including one on photography and was
very pleased when he received a 2nd prize for his work under the
Mid-Sussex Mencap Photographic Competition. He and other students
took a great interest in gardening at the allotment, which had a
practical result in that each of them were able to take a small bag
of potatoes home; there was also a greenhouse in which to grow
Another fascinating course ‘Brighton & Hove
Yesterday’ in 2003-2004 took the students on visits to local places
of interest such as
Hove Museum, Hove Street,
George Street, Preston
Manor, Brighton Museum, Rottingdean, and Brighton seafront with the
Fishing Museum. On other occasions they would visit nearby
Shoreham Harbour to look at the boats. Students also received certificates on
completion of a course on yoga.
By 2018 Belgrave Centre was a sorry sight –
boarded up and awaiting demolition. Brighton and Hove City Council
has identified it as a site on which to build affordable housing.
copyright © D. Sharp
The Clarendon Place entrance to the former Belgrave Training Centre in August 2018 |
One cannot help wondering whether the small houses
in the original Belgrave Square could have been saved and renovated
into affordable homes. After all, it is generally acknowledged that
the enthusiasm for demolishing old properties in the 1960s was
misguided. A perfect example lies in the Poets Corner area of Hove,
but east of Sackville Road, where huge blocks of council flats are
located. Most of the old houses the flats replaced were well built
and perfectly capable of being modernised. The houses in streets that
managed to survive, now command high prices.
It seems the initial proposal for the development of the site was to
provide 45 units of housing. But unfortunately the magic term
‘affordable housing’ seems to lead councillors to lose sight of existing
planning rules. For example, a building of up to six storeys would be
acceptable, yet in new plans a seven-storey monster is envisaged on
Belgrave Square. There is also the vital matter of ‘amenity space’ to be
provided, which is tiny, and against council policy. This too is odd
coming at a time when people are more aware of the need for green
spaces, and in particular the planting of trees to help combat
pollution. But perhaps the worst idea is the prospect of no less that
104 units of housing. Councillor Les Hamilton calls the proposals a
‘massive over-development’. (North Portslade Community News December 2019).
Demolition of Belgrave Training Centre in February/March 2021
copyright © D. Sharp April 2021
copyright © D. Sharp April 2021
copyright © D. Sharp Wellington Road, February 2023 |
copyright © D. Sharp St James Square in March 2023 with access from Clarendon Place. |
See also
Wellington Road for more details on St James's Square
SourcesCensus returns
Middleton J, Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
copyright © J.Middleton 2018
page layout and aditional research by D. Sharp