Judy Middleton 2003 (revised 2016)
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copyright © J.Middleton Whychcote is a fine looking building especially when viewed from the Village Green. |
Herbert Mews (1858-1929)
Herbert Mews and his elder brother Walter were already in
the brewery business before they purchased Portslade Brewery in the 1880s and
they moved to Portslade in 1884. Their previous address was 107 Westbourne
Terrace, Hyde Park, London, but when they moved to Portslade, they lived in
separate houses; Herbert’s was called Raglan Villa. (Is this an echo of the
Crimean War, like Alma Cottage? At the Battle of Alma in 1854 the British were
under the command of the gallant Field Marshal Lord Raglan who had lost his
sword arm at the battle of Waterloo in 1815).
Presumably, money was not an
issue because the brothers had already forked out £17,000 in the purchase of
the Portslade portfolio. But once their new enterprise was on a firm financial
footing the brothers were able to set their sights on building substantial new
residences. Herbert Mews was first off the mark and by 1895 he had taken up
residence in Whychcote.
A New Residence
copyright © John Melville This unusual view of Whychcote was taken in 1938 from the gardens on the north side. |
The exterior of the house is a
delight to the eye with no less than five steeply pitched and gabled roofs,
intriguing little attic windows, decorative half-timbering and a suitably
impressive chimney-stack. An interesting detail is the flint panel on the east
side of the house. It contains some square blocks and an oblong stone
embellished with a carving of hops set on a roundel. There is no way of knowing
if this was especially commissioned or rescued from another house or brewery building.
Inside the building, the entrance hall measured no less
than 25 feet by 10 feet 6 inches and upstairs there were nine bedrooms. Floors,
panelling and beams were made of oak but one bedroom had a floor of maple wood.
There were spacious cellars and because the house was built into a slope, you
entered the cellars on the west side at ground level, while the east side was
There was a large iron cage in
the cellars, which has led to some speculation over its use with some people
imagining the cage was perhaps used as the village lock-up. The real reason is
more pedestrian – it was a place of safety in which the master of the house
kept his wines and spirits safely locked away. After all, it was not unknown
for a servant to have the odd tipple at his master’s expense. For example,
there was a classic case in Brunswick Square, Hove, when the butler was found
in a merry state while two empty bottles of his master’s finest were discovered
in the butler’s pantry.
But it must not be thought that the Mews brothers were
parsimonious. In 1887 when the country was celebrating Queen Victoria’s Golden
Jubilee, every adult in Portslade Old Village received two pints each of the
beer produced at Portslade Brewery.
Extending the Gardens
Although the house was spacious Herbert Mews was less than
satisfied with the size of his gardens. He remedied the situation between 1894
and 1907 by purchasing adjacent parcels of land. One acquisition was Hangleton
Court, a group of old flint cottages at the eastern end of High Street. The
dwellings were demolished but he kept the back wall on the side adjoining the
church twitten, plus the wall on the north side abutting High Street. Thus he
gained some very high and consequently very private garden walls. Eventually,
tennis courts were laid out on the site of Hangleton Court.
The Mews Family
Herbert and his wife Florence had two sons, both born in
Portslade; Sydney in 1887 and Erroll in 1888. During the Great War Erroll
joined the Royal Field Artillery and by 1918 he was a Lieutenant. In March 1918
he married Ruby Evelyn Ionides at St Andrew’s Old Church, Hove. Her late
father, Constantine Ionides, was a wealthy man of Greek extraction and he lived
at 23 Third Avenue, Hove, where he had commissioned his own private art gallery
to be built. He was an avid art collector and over the years he amassed
paintings by such artists as Botticelli, Rembrandt and Tintoretto, sculptures
by Rodin and Dalou, classical engraved gems, drawings, prints and oriental
porcelain. When he died in 1900 he bequeathed all his pictures, prints and
drawings to the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Meanwhile, Herbert continued to be a pillar of society as
well as keeping a keen eye on his business interests. He sat on Hove County
Bench; he was an East Sussex County Councillor and in 1919 he became a member
of the Steyning Board of Guardians. He and his brother Walter were staunch
Freemasons and exemplary employers, building model dwellings for some of their
brewery workers in what is now North Road.
Herbert died on 5 March 1929 – his brother Walter having
already died on 11 March 1922. Herbert was given a splendid funeral at St Nicolas Church, Portslade and Revd Donald F. Campbell, vicar of Preston (but
former vicar of St Nicolas) conducted the service, assisted by Revd H.T.
Mogridge, rector of Aldrington, and Revd Noel Harmsworth, vicar of St Nicolas.
The mourners included Mrs Florence Mews (widow), Roy Mews, Mrs Walter Mews, Ewan
Mews and Bryan Mews (nephews), the Archdeacon of Lewes, the Mayor of Hove
(Captain A.B. Wales) and a detachment of Portslade Queen’s Nurses. Many
employees, past and present, were there too and worthy of special mention were
Harry Jupp and Phillip Packham who between them had given 70 years of service
to the brewery.
Herbert was buried on the north side of St Helen’s churchyard, Hangleton, in an adjoining plot to that occupied by his brother
Walter. But their tombstones are completely different. Walter’s is a upright
granite cross while Herbert’s is an oblong slab adorned with an incused cross.
After Herbert’s death, his widow moved out of Whychcote
and sold the property. She was born on 21 June 1862 and died on 25 November
Andrew Melville, Impresario
The next owner of Whychcote was Andrew Melville. He came
from a theatrical family whose connection with the stage dated back to 1760.
Andrew had two brothers called Walter and Frederick and they were popularly
known as the three Musketeers of Melodrama. The brothers were also theatre
managers, thus following in their father’s footsteps because he managed two
theatres in Birmingham in the 1880s and 1890s.
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copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove (from the Brighton & Hove & South Sussex Graphic 1915) Grand Theatre, North Road, Brighton. |
Andrew Melville owned the Grand Theatre, North Road,
Brighton, from 1922 to 1931 and continued to produce pantomimes there after
that date. He also produced many of the melodramas written by his brothers; for
example A Girl’s Crossroads written by Walter and produced by Andrew in
1928. Andrew wrote plays as well under the name of Andrews Emm and produced
them too. One such product was Robespierre or the Reign of Terror. There
was a replica of a working guillotine on stage, plenty of fake blood, six or
seven severed heads rolling about and a tableau of Marat being stabbed in his
bath. Not surprisingly, there was no admittance for children under fourteen
years of age unless accompanied by an adult.
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copyright © John Melville An exciting scene from the melodrama Robespierre performed at the Grand Theatre, Brighton. |
Other popular melodramas were Dracula (1927) and Jack
the Ripper (1930) although there was something of a tussle with the Lord
Chamberlain over whether or not such gory subject matter was suitable for the
public stage. The most notable of these melodramas was Sweeney Todd with
Andrew playing the leading role. He was such a hit with the fairer sex that he
received a flood of fan letters. The catch phrase in the play was ‘I’ll polish
him off’ as the next victim was tipped out of the barber’s chair into the
basement. All the boys in the cheap seats up in the ‘god’s’ used to enjoy
shouting out this phrase at the appropriate moment.
Another role Andrew played to great effect was that of
Bill Sykes in Oliver Twist while his wife played the part of tragic
Nancy. When Sykes killed Nancy, the event took place off stage with powerful
sound effects produced by the couple. Andrew thwacked a leather cushion with a
heavy club while Nancy let out a series of blood-curdling screams.
Melville believed that the show must go on at all costs.
On one occasion his musicians went out on strike, no doubt thinking the show
would have to be cancelled. But out Andrew marched and enrolled as many street
musicians as he could find.
In fact, Andrew was a man of many talents. The Sussex
Daily News (5 March 1938) had this to say:
‘He could do everything in connection with the stage,
write the play, rehearse the company, compose the music, paint the scenery,
play an instrument, conduct the orchestra, and act at a moment’s notice. It was
this which helped so considerably towards his popularity when he was
manager-proprietor of Brighton Grand Theatre. ‘
Home Life
In the 1920s Andrew’s wife became gravely ill and Andrew
hired a trained nurse to look after her. Her name was Dorothy and she had gone
to France at the age of sixteen during the Great War to nurse wounded soldiers.
Mrs Melville died in 1927 and the following year Andrew married Dorothy; he was
aged 44 and she was 29. Also in 1928 Andrew purchased Whychcote and that is
where their son John was born on 2 November 1930.
Andrew also had three children from his first marriage –
Rosamund, Andrew and Robin. They sometimes came to Portslade to visit their
father but because they were so much older than John, he felt like an only
child. John Melville has a vivid memory of watching with envy from his secluded
perch inside the garden walls, the village boys playing snowballs. But he
remembered the gardens with affection. There were some mature trees including a
chestnut, fir and beech while a fine lime tree provided a focal point at the
end of the lawns. The kitchen garden produced plenty of fruit and there was a
full-time gardener. There were two tennis courts and a greenhouse. The
household included Mrs Gregory, Mrs Melville’s mother, who liked everything to
be just so and was the type to run her fingers over the mantelpiece to check
for dust.
copyright © John Melville Dorothy Melville and son John on the lawns at Whychcote in the 1930s. You can see one of the old cottages in High Street in the background. |
Domestic Help
Soon after leaving school at the age of fourteen, Olive
Walter applied successfully for the post of upstairs maid at Whychcote in 1932.
At that time the staff consisted of a cook, a maid and a handyman /gardener. If
extra help were needed at spring-cleaning time, Mrs Knapp would oblige and she
also visited regularly to polish the family silver.
In the morning Olive wore a pale blue dress with a
bib-front apron on top. But in the afternoon she changed into a black dress
with a frilly white apron. Her duties included waiting at table and there were
often theatrical folk present. She especially remembered the time when Tessie
O’Shea once came to dinner at Whychcote.
Tessie O’Shea (1913-1995) had a long career in show
business because she was only six years old when she first trod the boards. She
was a popular singer and often played a banjolele at the close of her
performance, She was a larger-than-life lady and in the 1930s she used her
considerable girth to dramatic effect by adopting as her signature tune Two
ton Tessie from Tennessee although she was actually born in Cardiff.
At Christmas-time Andrew treated his staff to a
performance of his pantomime at the Grand Theatre, Brighton.
Bert Patching used to sweep the chimneys at Whychcote. His
family lived round the corner in an old flint cottage at 44 High Street. In
1944 Olive Walter married his son, also called Bert Patching.
It is said that Andrew found a convenient storage place
for stage scenery and various theatrical props, including s small cannon, in a
disused sausage factory in Mile Oak. Meanwhile, the pony used for pulling
Cinderella’s coach on stage at Christmas time, munched grass contentedly in a
field opposite Whychcote. This field became the subject of a long wrangle
between Andrew and Portslade Council and eventually became the Village Green.
Politics and Pageants
While running his Grand Theatre at Brighton, Andrew
Melville also became interested in local politics. He decided try and become a
councillor but unfortunately his attempts to represent St Nicolas’s Ward,
Brighton, in 1926, 1927 and 1929 were unsuccessful. He had better fortune when
he moved to Whychcote and in April 1932 he was elected a Portslade councillor.
In 1932 he was chairman of Portslade Council while at the same time being
chairman of Portslade Fire Brigade.
In 1935 Andrew became vice-chairman of Portslade Council
and he was kept busy organising pageants in various parts of Sussex to
celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George V and Queen Mary.
Decline and Death
In 1935 Andrew first began to suffer from ill health but
he was not the sort of character to allow it to slow up his active life. He
never drank wine or spirits but he loved huge cups of tea and strong tobacco.
Andrew was greatly upset when his brother Walter died in 1937 and Andrew died
at Whychcote from heart failure on 4 March 1938. He was only aged 54 and his
son John was seven years old while Dorothy became a widow at 39. She never
The funeral was held at St Nicolas Church, Portslade.
There were three mourning coaches bearing 70 wreaths and a line of twenty cars.
A contemporary newspaper report described the scene:
‘The mourning party was preceded along the churchyard walk
by the vicar (Revd E.W.P. Holmes) the curate (Revd S.R. Goodman) the crucifer
(Mr Cyril Peters) and two choir boys. The sun was shining through a golden haze
and so calm was the day that the naked candles borne by the choir boys kept
alight from the time they left the church till they returned.’
No doubt the showman in Andrew would have been pleased at
such a detail.
Upon the coffin there was a full-length cross of crimson
roses and violets
There were some theatrical folk amongst the mourners
including Tubby Edlin and his wife, Jimmy Hunter of the Brighton Follies, and
Ernest Gates, last lessee and managing director of the Grand Theatre, Brighton.
G.H. Asquin also attended; he had been on the staff at the Grand Theatre, Birmingham,
during the time of Andrew Melville, senior. A friend from Seaford was there too
and he had known Andrew since the age of ten. Miss Knapp and Miss Soffe, part
of the domestic staff at Whychcote, were in the congregation as well.
The last surviving brother Frederick Melville died on 5
March 1938 at his residence in Beach Road, Worthing. This meant the three
brothers and a sister all died within two years and three months of each other.
Despite his success, Andrew had never managed to
accumulate wealth. He was known for his generous nature and would often buy an
object at an inflated price to help someone out. At Christmas he gave out
treats to old folk and children. He felt sorry for an eccentric old performer
who once used to dazzle the crowds with his expertise whirling ropes and whips;
Andrew allowed him to live for free in an old caravan near the disused sausage
factory. The downside of all this generosity was that Andrew’s widow was left
unable to afford continuing to live at Whychcote. Her erstwhile upstairs maid
Olive Walter helped her to pack up and moved with her to a house in Shoreham.
Whychcote was sold for £10,000 and young John was
evacuated to the Bahamas during the Second World War aboard the Orduna. In
Nassau he remembered a Christmas party for the evacuees where the Duchess of
Windsor gave him a cuddle.
copyright © John Melville This photograph of the lounge at Whychcote was included in the special brochure produced to promote the sale of the property. |
Frederick William Adcock Cushman (1871-1955)
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copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
(Brighton Season Magazine 1920) Councillor F.W.A. Cushman J.P. Mayor of Hove 1919-1922 |
It is interesting to note that Andrew Melville was a
Portslade councillor and Cushman was a Hove councillor. F.W.A. Cushman was born
in Gravesend and became a resident of Hove in 1889. He was first elected to
represent Portland Ward in 1906 and by 1946 he achieved a remarkable record of
40 years of unbroken service with Hove Council. In the 1920s the Cushmans lived
at 58 Worcester Villas, Hove.
F.W.A. Cushman served as Mayor of Hove from 1919 to 1922
and in recognition of his three years’ mayoralty he was presented with gifts
purchased with the aid of a public subscription. They consisted of an
illuminated album containing the names of all the subscribers, a fitted
suitcase and a gold cigarette case for the Mayor while the Mayoress was presented
with a diamond and aquamarine pendant and earrings and their daughter Eileen
received a pendant of pearls.
Cushman was made an Alderman in 1923, became a Justice of
the Peace in 1924, and he was chairman of Hove Borough Magistrates; he was
Chief Special Constable of Brighton from 1933 to 1938 and became an Honorary
Freeman of Hove in 1949. In 1952 he was awarded the OBE.
The Cushman Family
F.W.A. Cushman’s brother Leon Cushman won the Brighton Time Trials in 1923 in a Bugatti and broke the International Record for the mile, recording a speed of 102.28 mph at Brooklands in a supercharged Austin 7 in 1931. Leon enjoyed a glittering career in Grand Prix, speed trials, hill climbs and sprints between the Wars in the 'Golden Age of Motor Sport', he died on 7 January
1946. In his obituary in the Motor Sport Magazine it read, ‘a very charming man and distinctly versatile driver is lost to us’.
F.W.A. Cushman practised as a solicitor for over 50 years
and was the senior partner in the firm of F.W.A. Cushman & Son. His two
sons and one daughter all became solicitors after being articled to their
father. Mary Adcock Cushman was the only female solicitor at Hove and one of
the youngest in the country, having passed her finals before the age of
twenty-one. On 18 July 1936 she married Gordon Henry Harrington, son of Mr and
Mrs T.R. Harrington of Tongdean Road, Hove, at St Leonard’s Church, Aldrington.
The Sussex Daily News published a long list of their wedding presents
including three separate gifts of Lalique glass, quantities of silver and a
walnut bureau.
copyright © J.Middleton St Leonard’s Church, Aldrington, where Mary Cushman was married and later on her mother Nellie Cushman was buried in the churchyard. |
Stanley William Adcock Cushman was the eldest son and he
was born in 1904. He was educated at Hove College where he enjoyed cricket and
football and he later played cricket for Brunswick Club, Hove and Southwick
Cricket Club. In the 1930s he lived at Rosney House, New Church Road, Hove.
Later on he lived in Southwick and while resident there he and famous author
S.P.B. Mais became involved in the famous Battle of the Green. This came about
when Southwick Council banned the playing of cricket on the Village Green. The
cricketers responded by staging a match on the Green and their stance aroused
national interest. At first legal proceedings were launched against the
‘illegal players’ but in the end the rule against cricket on the Green was
overturned. In 1943 Stanley Cushman moved to Henfield where he took up bowls
with enthusiasm.
Nellie Cushman
Nellie Louise married F.W.A. Cushman in 1899. She was not
content to be just a stay-at-home wife and in 1922 she was elected to Hove
Council and remained a member until 1959. She made municipal history in 1944
when she was elevated to the Aldermanic bench, her husband having been an
Alderman since 1923.
Nellie Cushman sponsored the stone tablet that was
unveiled at Lansworth House, Brunswick Road, Hove, to commemorate the fact that
Sir Winston Churchill spent some years there at the Misses Thomson’s School. In
fact the dates of residence were wrongly inscribed as 1883, 1884 and 1885
whereas they should have been 1884 to 1888. Unfortunately, the present blue
plaque perpetuates this mistake too.
Golden Wedding
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copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove (Brighton Season Magazine 1920) Nellie Cushman |
In October 1949 Mr and Mrs Cushman celebrated their Golden
Wedding. The happy couple were photographed for the local Press ‘in the sitting
room of their charming old-world house, Whychcote’. Mr Cushman was very proud
of his two-acre garden and particularly of his President Hoover rose bush that
was in bloom in May and he hoped would continue to produce flowers until
End of an Era
F.W.A. Cushman died in 1955 and Nellie decided she did not
want to live at Whychcote by herself and moved out. She died aged 86 on 6
January 1961. Her funeral was held at St Leonard’s Church, Aldrington, and she
was buried near the lych-gate.
By 1960 Whychcote had been divided into five flats and
during the 1960s much of the gardens were built over to provide new housing in
South Street and High Street.
A Hostel?
In July 1989 there was a huge row when it transpired that
Adur District Council wanted to take over the house and use it as a hostel for
the homeless. Angry Portslade councillors were seething at the proposal, which
would mean twelve adults and twelve children living in the house. Planning
officials recommended acceptance but the planning committee turned it down.
By August 1989 Whychcote was advertised for sale at
£280,000. There was a self-contained annexe that was let at £120 a month and
the rear garden was still in excess of 90 feet. There were no buyers and by
August 1992 the price had dropped to £275,000. There were still no takers and
by October 1992 the price was reduced to £249,950. When that failed to entice
buyers, the property was taken off the market until later on the 1990s when
once again a ‘For Sale’ sign seemed to be a permanent fixture.
A Family Home Again
In 2000 a married couple with two young daughters
purchased Whychcote and the property was converted back into a family
After years of neglect the roofs had deteriorated to such
an extent that the whole needed to be re-roofed. The roofs while charming in
appearance are complex structures with accompanying ridge tiles and lead
flashing. A London specialist firm was employed to do the work. It was
unfortunate that it just happened to be the wettest winter on record. The
owners had to dart about with plastic buckets to catch the various drips while
the outside was draped in scaffolding and polythene sheeting. The work lasted
for six months because there were restrictions on petrol at the time and
workmen were often away from the house for days or weeks.
Once the roof was secure the couple could turn to the
restoration of the interior. This was not straightforward either because they
wished to preserve as many original features as possible. But by August 2001 a
great deal had been achieved.
Whychcote in 2001
The front door is a massive twelve-panelled structure and
although the outside has been painted, the inside is still in its original
state. The front door leads to a lobby, which is separated from the inner hall
by doors with panelling and bevelled glass insets. Immediately to the right of
these doors there is a large fireplace lined with red tiles with a grey-veined
marble surround and an oak mantelpiece. In fact a quantity of oak was used
throughout the house. The staircase has carved newel posts, a fine balustrade
and ascends to two storeys.
To the left of the hall is the main reception room with an
odd asymmetrical opening into the next room, both of them facing south.
At the far end Christian’s of Handcross created a modern
kitchen at considerable cost. There are granite work surfaces, a double-butler
sink, a double-oven Aga, and hand-crafted units.
There is a hatch through to the dining room, which has a
fireplace lined with red tiles. This room overlooks the garden on the north
The utility room has some original glazed tiles with a
protruding border and a beautiful black and white tiled floor.
There is a similar floor of black and white tiles in the
bathroom, which boasts an enormous bath measuring 6 feet 3 inches in length.
Specialist firm Chadder & Co of Forest Row re-enamelled the bath in
situ. When John Melville was invited to have a look at his childhood home,
he had clear memories of being washed in the vast bath. He also pointed out the
room where he was born, which was just off the main bedroom.
There are six rooms on the first floor. Although most have
been restored, one still awaits attention, particularly with regard to the
ceiling where the lathes can be seen.
There are a further three rooms on the top floor, which
once served as servants bedrooms. The servants would no doubt be astonished to
find one room has become a modern office with a computer. But the servants
tucked away at the top of the house had the finest views; to the south there
are glimpses of the sea above the treetops of the Village Green; to the north
the slopes of the Downs are clearly visible.
On the east side and fixed to the wall of the landing is
the original communications box that once alerted the servants to the fact they
were required. The box had eight little windows to indicate which room the
servant should go to and the box would have contained a bell too.
There is a marvellous attic, which is a great hit with
children and their friends. You do not need to climb a rickety ladder to gain
access but just unlock a door at the end of the passage out of which the
servants’ rooms opened. The attic stretches the length of the house from north
to south and on either side small windows look out over roof gullies. The attic
contains a brick archway, which is of course the chimney arch.
In August 2001 the house was up for sale again. The asking price was £495,000 but
it was a difficult property to shift because of the down-turn in the property market for higher priced houses. However, Whychcote was sold in
June 2002.
In recent times Whychcote has been on sale again but it is
unclear whether or not the property was sold or merely withdrawn from the
Brighton & Hove City Libraries
Brighton & Hove Graphic
Brighton Season Magazine
Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Motor Sport Magazine
Sussex Daily News
Personal interviews
Copyright © J.Middleton 2016
page layout and additional research by D.Sharp