Judy Middleton 2003 (Revised 2024)
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
An early 1800s painting of the windmills at Copperas Gap, with Shoreham Harbour in the distant background and storm clouds approaching. Painting attributed to Frederick Ford |
The Copperas Gap windmill was situated south of
St Andrew’s Road and on the corner of West Street and
North Street. It was a white
post-mill with a tail pole.
copyright © Brighton & Hove City Libraries
Windmill Inn May 1935, George V’s Silver Jubilee. The Windmill Inn of West Street Portslade, was built on the site called Mill Plot, the pub was demolished in the 1960s.
Copperas Gap
The name Copperas Gap arouses considerable interest. It is
not of ancient origin as some may imagine because the small area it covers was
once known as West
Aldrington. In the Armada Map drawn in 1587 Aldrington
Beacon is recorded and W. Scott’s drawing of around 1816 depicts some cottages
at Copperas Gap with the beacon on the cliff. The ‘Gap’ part derives from
Anglo-Saxon and in Sussex meant an opening in the chalk cliffs.
The name Copperas Gap was certainly in use in October 1795
when a local newspaper carried a paragraph about the Princess of Wales and Lady
Cholmondley taking an airing to Copperas Gap where they sat on a bank and
enjoyed a picnic.
Historian Geoffrey Mead is of the opinion the name derives
from the 17th century when the locals collected stones made of iron
pyrites (copperas) from the tidal area of Shoreham Harbour. The stones were
exported out of the area and used for the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
Local Historian Captain Bately thought that sulphate of
iron, or green vitriol was employed in the manufacture of inks and dyes. Others
say the stones were used in glass-making.
It is interesting to note that copperas has a long history as an
ingredient in black ink going back to Anglo-Saxon times and used in
early manuscripts – the other ingredients being oak-galls and gum
Arabic. Black ink could also be made using lamp-black, or charcoal mixed
with gum. Either of these inks, or both, could have been used in the
creation on parchment of the designs for the Bayeux Tapestry, which was
worked by Anglo-Saxon female embroiderers in the south of England.
England was renowned for the skills of her needle-women, and the females
involved in embroidering the Bayeux Tapestry are thought to have been
nuns, and high-born ladies who had fled to the nunneries for protection
as a result of the Norman Conquest in 1066. (Jan Messent The Bayeux Tapestry Embroiderers’ Story 1999).
Chambers Dictionary defines copperas as the name
formerly used for copper and other sulphates and derives from the Latin ‘cupri
rosa’ (rose of copper).
Old-timers told Bert Pierce that Copperas Gap was the
name of a particular rock in the sea south of where the Electricity Works were
built and it was well known to local fishermen as a fine place to catch large
conger eels.
There is also the possibility that it was simply named
after a person living there because the area was named Coppard’s Gap in
Ordnance Survey Maps up to around 1873 and in the Directory for 1855; Coppard
is a recognised Sussex surname.
It is interesting to note that the original
Portslade Railway Station built in 1841 once rejoiced in the name of Copperas Gap
copyright © Brighton & Hove City Libraries
A Victorian photograph of Copperas Gap Windmill |
Richard Tidy was the first recorded miller and he died in
1790. He left his house, mill and warehouse to his wife Ann. She sold the mill
in 1793.
William Huggett was miller for around 24 years. In 1813 he
had the unnerving experience of being severely burned when lightning struck
Copperas Gap. The year 1813 was also memorable for him in another way too
because his daughter Sarah was baptised at
St Nicolas Church, Portslade. At the
time he was unmarried and the mother was recorded as being Mary Pockney,
single-woman. But at least he acknowledged being the father, which was not
always the case with illegitimate births. Perhaps his family thought he was too
young for marriage. But whatever the reason the pair had married by the time
the next child came along in 1818.
William Huggett was in partnership with William Pennington
Gorringe whose name was associated with another prominent landmark in the
locality, the lighthouse at Shoreham Harbour, which was built on land formerly
belonging to him. Naturally, Gorringe had an interest in what went on at
Shoreham Harbour because he was also a Shoreham Harbour Commissioner, as well
as being a ship-owner with an interest in the timber trade, and a landowner.
In 1837 the partnership was dissolved and in April of that
year all the stock-in-trade was advertised for sale including the following:
Two useful, strong horses
A light, tilted van
A new coal cart with trace harnesses
A new winnowing machine
A coal-weighing machine
A corn measure
A quantity of corn
Building bricks
Copperas Gap by W.H. Stothard Scott (1783-1850) |
John Borrer (1785-1866)
John Borrer purchased the mill and let it. Borrer was born
in Hurstpierpoint but had lived in Portslade since 1807. He became a
considerable landowner in Portslade and lived in his newly constructed
Portslade Manor, which was quite near the ancient manor house. He had his own
private doorway cut into the churchyard wall so that he and his family had
easier access to their parish church. Borrer married three times but unhappily
for him both Kitty and Mary Anne died at the early age of 27, the latter after
childbirth. All Mary Anne’s children came to an untimely end; the last two sons
died at the age of two or three months, Ellen died aged seventeen, John died
after a carriage accident and William was lost at sea. You can still see the
touching memorials to these children on the wall of the North Aisle at
St Nicolas Church, Portslade. Borrer’s third wife Sarah Ann produced three
children and although Lindfield died before he was two months old, at least
Henry survived to adulthood (he was also a mariner) while Kate lived to the
grand old age of 84. Borrer’s first wife Kitty had two children Mary and Kate.
Out of a family of ten children there were just two marriages and only Mary,
who married John Blaker at St Nicolas Church on 18 April 1839, had children.
John Borrer certainly experienced a great deal of sorrow during his life and it
is remarkable that he lived to the age of 81 and died on 12 August 1866, having
outlived three wives.
© Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
advert in the Brighton
Herald 9 June 1838
states Copperas Gap was in the Parish of Southwick.
In the early
1860s when St
Andrew's Church was
Copperas Gap was incorporated into Portslade which
annoyed the Vicar of Southwick.
Broadbridge and John Bodle
The 1841 census records these two men as the resident millers.
Benjamin Broadbridge aged 59
Wife Fanny 57
Daughter Jane 17
Son William 10
Son Henry 7
John Bodle aged 25
Wife Eliza 25
Daughter Eliza 1
Many years later when Eliza Bodle was a widow she ran the Crown
Inn at Copperas Gap in the 1870s until her son
William took over.
Henry Whiting
By 1842 Henry Whiting was the miller and he was there again from
1855 to 1856. As well as being a miller, he was also the local
postmaster. In 1856 his son James Whiting was baptised at St Nicolas
Church, Portslade.
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove Brighton Herald 25 August 1849
James Everest
In between times James Everest was the miller. In the 1851
census he was described as a 43-year old widower who lived with his daughter
Georgina aged 13 and son 12-year old James.
Thomas Hicks
By 1858 Thomas Hicks was at the mill and the Directory
described him as a bread and biscuit maker. He was there for around four years
but was followed by other millers. However, he was back by 1870 and was the
last recorded miller.
Charles Richard Smith
He was a member of the well-known Portslade family who
were involved with the nearby
Britannia Steam Flour Mills. The 1861 census recorded
48 year-old C.R. Smith living in Palatine House, near or next to
House pub in
Station Road, Portslade. He lived there with his wife Ann aged
39, and the two eldest sons, Frederick and Richard were of an age to earn their
living as clerks while the younger siblings were Charles 9, Jane 7 and
three-year old Wilhelmina, plus two servants. By 1862 C.R. Smith was running
Copperas Gap windmill. He rented the mill from Borrer but he did not stay there
for long because Borrer died in 1866 and the aftermath was a quick succession
of millers, Herbert Maynard in 1867 and John Muddle in 1869.
It is interesting to note that the name Copperas Gap was
falling out of use by the late 1860s. When John Muddle took his children to be
baptised, daughter Rosa in 1868 and son Charles some eighteen months later, he
was specifically described as a miller of Portslade-by-Sea.
But soon the mill was up for sale again and Thomas Hicks
returned, perhaps for old times sake. However, the mill was at the end of its
working life and it is thought to have been demolished in around 1872.
copyright © D.Sharp
The former Copperas Gap area of south Portslade in August 2016, the red brick building is the former Salvation Army Hall built in 1910. On the right of this junction was the site of the former Crown Inn.
1725 – possible date of mill’s construction
1790 – Richard Tidy died, leaving house, mill and
warehouse to wife Ann and others
1793 – Owner Ann sold the mill at the White
Horse, Brighton
1801 – It was recorded that there were two
windmills at Portslade capable of grinding ten quarters in 24 hours
1804 – Mill to be sold at Sloop Inn,
Copperas Gap
1808 – Mill to be sold at
Old Ship, Brighton
1813 – Severe storm, miller William Huggett badly
burned by lightning
1813 – Sarah, daughter of William Huggett, miller,
baptised at
St Nicolas Church, Portslade
1818 – William, son of William Huggett, miller,
baptised at St Nicolas Church, Portslade
1820 – John, son of William Huggett, miller,
baptised at St Nicolas Church, Portslade
1837 – Partnership of William Huggett and William
Pennington Gorringe dissolved. Mill sold to John Borrer of
Portslade Manor.
1841 – Millers were Benjamin Broadbridge, 59, and
John Bodle, 25
1843 – John Whiting, miller
1845 – Mill let to James Everest
1855 – Henry Whiting, baker, miller and postmaster
1856 – James, son of Henry Whiting, miller,
baptised at St Nicolas Church, Portslade
1858 – Thomas Hicks, miller, bread and biscuit
1866 – John Borrer died
1868 – John Muddle, miller
1869 – Mill to be sold
1870 – Thomas Hicks, miller and baker
c.1872 – Mill demolished
See also
Easthill Windmill in north Portslade
An Image Problem
For many years an old photo dating
back to the 1860s has rested undisturbed in the archives, claiming to
be an image of the windmill at Copperas Gap. But in recent years,
this assumption has been called into question by eagle-eyed fans of
all facts to do with mills. The claim is that it is definitely not
the windmill at Copperas Gap, while another expert admits he has not
the foggiest idea of where the pictured mill might have been
situated. The facts can be more easily assembled as follows.
William Clegram 1815
- Captain Clegram’s plan for the improvement of Shoreham Harbour
is dated 3 February 1815, and in his notes he says the mill was
Ford c.1820
– It seems likely that he painted two pictures of local windmills.
One depicts the Copperas Gap mill as a black open-trestled post mill.
But another painting attributed to the same artist shows two mills (at the top of this page).
Perhaps the white one is the Copperas Gap one, and the black one is
Shoreham windmill which was a also a black post mill, but according
to Brunnarius this mill was destroyed by fire in 1899.
Nash 1841
– The painting of East Hill Windmill shows a black mill. It also
shows it resting upon a base and this could be the roundhouse that
survived into the last century, and there is a photo of it when it
had been converted into a house. The painting is of a black mill, and
not a white one, as often associated with the Copperas Gap one.
Simmons notes that the East Hill windmill once had a tail-pole but
later on a fan-tail was substituted, along with other improvements.
E. H. W. Simmons was a windmill fanatic of earlier times and his
exhaustive volumes of research are to be found locally. They are
in three 4to volumes at Hove Library containing newspaper and
magazines cuttings, and Sussex
in five volumes in Brighton Library.
of the 1860s
– This is the problematic image. Apparently, there is a photograph
of Red House Farm with the windmill in the background, that looks
nothing like the earlier image while the nearby buildings do not tie
in with evidence available from an old Ordnance Survey map. In fact,
the image is better qualified to be the East Hill windmill because of
the fan-tail. However, the terrain, being flat, is all wrong for East
Hill, and it is the wrong colour. One cannot imagine a black mill
being painted white, although of course the surviving roundhouse
became a lighter colour. It is also given as further evidence that
there is no record of the Copperas Gap windmill having been improved
with a fan-tail etc. On the other hand, why should there be evidence?
Unless such a thing was noted in contemporary newspapers, a deed or a
diary. Surely, in the days before planning approvals, a mill owner
might do as he pleased with his own property providing he had the
means. But (With thanks to Justin of the Sussex
Mills Group Newsletter
for bringing this matter to my attention)
Pre 1913-14 Photograph of the Fishersgate Windmill
In 2024 the Brighton & Hove
Royal Pavilion & Museums' website published the following photograph, which shows the Fishergate Windmill in Mill Road, Fishersgate, West Sussex, almost a hundred yards from the County Boundary of East Sussex and Copperas Gap.
This photograph is pre 1913-14 as the St Andrew's School in Portslade is not yet built, and would have appeared next to the windmill or even blocking the view of the windmill from the camera.
It is possible that the Fishersgate Windmill photograph maybe early
Edwardian, the SS Portslade, which was transporting coal to
Portslade's Gas Works, was badly damaged in 1906 in a collision with the SS
Swale off the Kent Coast.
SS Portslade with severe damage to its bow, rescued the
crew of the sinking SS Swale and managed to get all hands safely to
Dover. It is not known if the SS Portslade was repaired or
scrapped in 1906.
A new SS Portslade was built in Sunderland by William
Pickersgill & Sons in 1936, but sadly this ship was sunk off
Dungeness in 1940 by enemy aircraft while travelling in a convoy.
British History Online states there had been a windmill on this site in Fishersgate from 1753, which was demolished in 1873. The
Ordinance Survey Map of 1870 shows the Fishersgate Windmill as a
'cement making' windmill, probably a change of use from flour to cement, because of its close proximity of less than half a mile from Copperas Gap's Britannia Steam Flour Mills, which was built in 1861.
The photograph below is showing a Fishersgate windmill pre 1913-14, which contradicts the British History Online's above statement. (
D. Sharp 2024)
copyright © Brighton & Hove
Royal Pavilion & Museums Note the black windmill on the raised ground on the left of Copperas Gap, the house by the jetty (marked by 'red circle' below) can be used as a reference point for the location of the Fishersgate (cement making) Windmill in West Sussex. In the background is the Brighton to Portsmouth Railway Line. This photograph is pre 1913-14 as the St Andrew's School, Portslade, East Sussex is not yet built to be shown in this photograph above.
copyright © D. Sharp Note the 'red circle' house that appears also in the 'Fishersgate Windmill photograph' above. In the centre of the photograph is the Britannia Steam Flour Mills. On the left of the Flour Mills on the hill is the Star Model Laundry, to the right is the
spire of Our Lady, Star of the Sea & St Denis and the Crown Inn with the Tamplins Beer sign
copyright © D. Sharp Note the 'red circle' house that also appears in the 'Fishersgate Windmill photograph' above. The large building on the left is St Andrew's School built in 1913 and opened in 1914. Next to the school on the right is the Star Model Laundry. The tall Flinn's Laundry chimney is in the neighbouring Fishersgate, West Sussex. The building with the 'white sign' in the centre is the Crown Inn, the tall building on the right of the photograph is the Britannia Steam Flour Mills
The black Fishersgate (cement making) Windmill is now demolished ? or just out of view behind the taller building of Portslade's St Andrew's School and the smaller St Peter's School .
Census returns
Middleton J Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Mills Group Newsletter
Copyright © J.Middleton 2016
page layout and additional research by D.Sharp