Judy Middleton - First published in 2003 (updated May 2021)
copyright © D. Sharp
Portslade's Norman Manor House is a Scheduled Ancient Monument & Grade II* Listed Building
and the oldest secular building in the City of Brighton & Hove |
Portslade’s Norman Manor House was built
extraordinarily close to St Nicolas Church. Of course when the manor
was built, the church was smaller than it is today – there being no
chancel or north aisle. Even so the buildings were practically cheek
by jowl. In fact the Lord of the Manor might have envisaged the
church as fulfilling the role of his personal chapel.
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The Lords of the Manor private doorway from the
'new' 1807 Manor House to St Nicolas Church
via the churchyard |
Indeed legend has it that he had his own private
doorway leading straight into the church via a passage from the
manor. Evidence for this theory was backed up by the writer Hussey
who stated ‘below the surface still exist foundations of two walls
running from the old mansion to the north-west and south-east angles
of the church.’
Whatever the truth of the matter, it is a fact
that later Lords of the Manor had their own quick access to the
church from their new manor house by a doorway into the churchyard,
which can still be seen today next to the Borrer grave.
In architectural
terms, there were links between Portslade Manor and St Nicolas Church. For example, in the north-west angle of the manor were stone
quoins, closely resembling the quoins at St Nicolas, and dating from
the 13th
century. Then there is a piece of chevron moulding placed at random
on the underside of a large doorway in the manor, which is similar to
a chevron moulding in St Nicolas above the pulpit, that was only
re-discovered in recent times.
The closeness of manor house and church has other
local examples – perhaps the best known one being St Peter’s
Church and Preston Manor. Then there is
St Helen’s Church,
Hangleton, which was once close to the precursor of
Hangleton Manor,
until the owner decided to build a new house in the valley.
The closeness of Portslade Manor and St Nicolas
seems to have been a definite advantage to the church because it
never fell into ruins as happened with St Helen’s Hangleton,
St Peter’s, West Blatchington,
St Leonard’s, Aldrington, and
St Andrew’s, Hove. Indeed St Nicolas is the only church of the five to
have been in continual use since its foundation in around 1150.
copyright © D. Sharp
A view looking towards Shoreham Harbour, it is still possible to see the tower of St Nicolas (Patron Saint of Sailors) from Shoreham Beach's Victorian Fort today, the Norman Manor House with its original high appex roof would also have been easily seen from the harbour in medieval times. |
The Manor House
In the Domesday Book there are two references to
- "Oswald holds
half a hide in Portslade he held it before 1066. It did not pay tax,
he could go where he would with the land, One villager, value 6s".
- "Albert held half a hide in Portslade. It did not pay tax. One
villager with half plough. The value is and was 6s."
The earliest part of the Manor House was built
between 1140 and 1150 of flint rubble and knapped flints; the stone
dressings were partly Caen stone and partly Quarr Abbey stone from
Binstead in the Isle of Wight.
Like many other
old houses, there were alterations and extensions over the years.
Probably the most important of these was the western part added in
the 17th
century. It is possible to know the exact date because the owner
proudly included ‘1611’ in the ornamental plaster frieze in the
large ground-floor room.
copyright © Hove Borough Council (now Brighton & Hove City Council)
The 1611 ornamental plaster frieze that once decorated the
large ground-floor room of the original Portslade Manor House. |
The rest of the frieze has a repeating
pattern of honeysuckle, together with twirls and tendrils, and
palmette – the latter being a motif shaped like a palm leaf.
Although only a fraction of this decoration has survived, it is
enough to be able to envisage how the room looked in its heyday.
copyright © D. Sharp
The east entry doorway to the basement of Portslade Manor, the floor was made of rammed chalk. The Norman basement would have been used as a store with living areas on the first floor. |
The original
Portslade Manor consisted of a basement with two storeys above. Along
the south wall there were two windows that once lighted the basement.
But the finest window is the two-light divided by a mullion that was
created in the 13th
century. It is evident that this window once had shutters fixed to
the outside wall.
The old manor continued to be lived in until
around 1807 when the owner built a brand-new manor house not that far
away from the venerable manor.
Portslade Manor as Almshouse
It seems that the old manor was not immediately
redundant, and became an almshouse for the old and destitute
inhabitants of Portslade because there was nowhere else for them to
go. However, all this changed in the 1830s when the Steyning Union
Workhouse was established at Shoreham.
through the centuries in fact, the welfare of poor and destitute
people in Portslade was the responsibility of the inhabitants, and in
the 18th
century the Poor Book was administered by clergy at St Nicolas, the
money being raised locally. This meant, for instance, that poor
widows might be given money for sitting with the dying, laying out
the dead, taking in laundry, or looking after an orphan, while there
was plenty of work for men to do, especially picking up the
ever-present flints from the fields.
copyright © D. Sharp
The folly was built from masonry taken from the
partially destroyed Norman Manor House
(an act of Victorian
In times of ruined harvests, or unemployment,
finding the money to support the poor became a huge burden on
everyone else. Thus the union of several parishes became the
preferred option because it helped to spread the cost.
Portslade was
part of the Steyning Union, and so the people who had fallen on hard
times were sent to the Workhouse at Shoreham.
Old habits die hard, and it seems likely local
people would far rather stay close to family and friends than being
despatched to Shoreham. Perhaps some of them tried to cling on to
their almshouse. Is that the reason why the owner of Portslade Manor
decided to demolish the old manor?
It was certainly demolished before 1840, and the
owner was determined to do it properly. The structure was overthrown
with some force, using lighted timbers in the time-honoured fashion.
Then came the extraordinary decision to build a
folly out of some of the dressed stones and flints thrown violently to the ground. The
folly can still be seen today.
Into Recent Times
copyright © D. Sharp
An aerial view of the ruined Portslade Manor House in 2018, the photograph was taken from the tower of St Nicolas Church. |
After the demolition, the ruins of Portslade Manor
were left alone, to be covered with a mantle of ivy plus sycamore
trees tall enough to shed their copious leaves over the twitten wall
and onto the path leading to the vestry, to the great annoyance of
the vicar.
After the Second World War there grew a gradual
realisation about what a valuable historical building was being
neglected in our midst. After all, Norman manor houses in England are
very rare. On 19 July 1950 Portslade Manor was designated a Grade II*
listed building.
copyright © D. Sharp
The 12 th
century window in the south wall of the first floor hall of the Manor overlooks St Nicolas Church. |
the manor also became a target for vandals, and the authorities were
so worried about what might become of the precious 12th
century window that it was carefully removed and stored safely away
until happier times.
copyright © D. Sharp
The 12 th
century restored window in the
east wall has two plain
round-headed lights, with no encompassing
arch on the
exterior. The lights share a
column with a carved capital,
now worn but
originally either a cushion or trefoil.
The opening has a deep
reveal with a continuous
roll and hollow
moulding on the inner face.
The first rumour that the manor might be
stabilised, looked after, and opened to the public, came in 1988 when
it was one item put forward as an environmental project. Matters
progressed slowly because of the legal side. The manor site was the
property of the Catholic order of the Poor Servants of the Mother of
God, and negotiations had to take place.
copyright © D. Sharp
The basement of the Manor, below the south wall window the original line of the flooring of the Manor's first floor hall can be seen. |
At long last work started in 1992 when the site
was stripped of invasive vegetation with the sycamores being felled
in March 1992. The excavation work cost £40,000 and the bill was
shared between English Heritage and Hove Council.
In 1993 Hove Borough Council became responsible for the upkeep of the ruined remains.
Earth up to 1.5 metres deep was removed to bring ground levels down to those of the early 20
th century. Repairs using traditional lime methods were used to make the walls safe.
Sifting through the debris a plaster roundel was
discovered, which added another point of interest to the manor’s
interior decoration. The roundel probably dates back to 1611 and
depicts three tulips in a vase with looped handles at either side.
Although tulips are commonplace today, they were at one time
considered to be exotic blooms from the mysterious East, and became a
valued and expensive commodity. In Holland rare bulbs changed hands
for exorbitant prices until the market suddenly collapsed. So whoever
ordered the tulip roundel was following the height of fashion.
copyright © Hove Borough Council (now Brighton & Hove City Council)
A basement plan of the Norman Manor, At 'A' in the west wing, there is a hole in the stonework, This rare feature is the lower part of a garderobe (lavatory) chute and 'B' is the opening through which the cess was removed. |
Interest in the finer things of life extended to interior plumbing. The garderobe was incorporated within a projecting chimney – a most unusual feature. But there is another Sussex example at the Mermaid Inn, Rye.
The visitors leaflet produced by
Hove Council in 1996, unfortunately
all funding for the Norman Manor
stopped when Brighton took over Hove,
even though Portslade's Old Manor is
the oldest secular building in the City
and a historic monument |
At Portslade the lavatory chute ended at the base of the south wall where there was an opening 180mm wide.
The cess could then be removed from time to time. It is somewhat amusing to note that only the best quality of stone was used for this function – Caen stone no less – more usually employed in churches because it was an imported and expensive.
The ruins were revealed in their full glory for the first time in early 1995, and happily the 12th century window was safely restored to its original place.
On 17 March 1995 the Mayor of Hove (also a Portslade Councillor), Leslie Hamilton, junior, officially opened the ruins of Portslade Manor to the public. It was difficult to hear what was being said because there was a howling gale at the time.
Access to the ruins was through
an arched doorway in the twitten. But of course people could not just
wander in at any time – arrangements had to be made with the staff
at Foredown Tower who held the key to the gate.
In November 1994 there was a big shock when it was
learned that the nuns would be leaving Portslade for good and the
convent would close down in two years time.
In 1996 it became clear that Sussex Emmaus were
negotiating to buy the convent.
This change of ownership, together
with the hated
amalgamation of Hove and Portslade with Brighton on 1
April 1997 had a direct effect on the manor. Cash flowed into
Brighton’s coffers but none came back to be spent on the Norman
In December 2011 the ownership of
Foredown Tower was taken over by
Portslade Aldridge Community College, and so no council staff were on
hand to supervise visits to the ruins. Would the ruins become
unvisited and unloved once again?
(See the exciting January 2019 news item in 'The Future of Portslade's Norman Manor House' paragraph at the foot of this page)
Owners of Portslade Manor
copyright © Hove Borough Council (now Brighton & Hove City Council)
The armorial Coats of Arms of the family names
associated with the ownership of Portslade’s Manor House throughout its
William de Warenne
anyone be interested in a detailed account of the descent of the
manor through the years, the best course is to who consult the
Victoria County
History; Sussex. Suffice
it to say here that the earliest owner was William de Warenne, Earl
of Surrey, who built Portslade Manor between 1140 and 1150 especially
to benefit his illegitimate son Rainald de Warenne. This was not his
only act of generosity to Rainald because he also arranged an
advantageous marriage to the Norfolk heiress Lady Alice de Wormegay.
It should be noted that ownership of the manor did
not necessarily imply occupancy, but it did mean that revenue from
the land attached most certainly went into the lord’s or lady’s
copyright © D. Sharp
The stone
dressings from Caen in Normandy and Quarr Abbey on the Isle of Wight
were used to build both St Nicolas and the Norman Manor, The stones
would have arrived in Portslade via the medieval port of Shoreham, (the two 2016 erected wind-turbines at the entrance to the harbour can be seen on a clear day from the manor ruins). |
The de Burgh Family
William de Warenne has already been mentioned, and
his generosity to his son. But he was also kind enough to sponsor
and pay for the education of four intelligent sons whose father was
of humble origin in Norfolk with the surname de Burgh. The most
brilliant son was the second one Hubert de Burgh (c. 1170-1243). He
rose to such heights that at one time he was the most powerful man in
England. Naturally, those of noble birth detested this upstart for
his ordinary background, and eventually managed to overturn his
influence, but not before he had enjoyed a brilliant career and a
notable name in history.
Hubert de
Burgh entered into the service of King John around the year 1200.
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The Keep of Falaise Castle in Normandy where Hubert de Burgh
held Prince Arthur prisoner. (Photograph taken in 2005) |
In the period when the English crown, owned
swathes of land in France. King John sent Hubert de Burgh to Normandy in 1202
in order to keep hold of Falaise. When King John’s forces captured
Prince Arthur of Brittany, he was handed over to the custody of Hugh
de Burgh in Falaise.
Prince Arthur was the nephew of King John, and
he should have become king; instead Richard the Lionheart’s
brother John seized the throne. King John gave cruel instructions for
Prince Arthur to be castrated, and his eyes burnt out, and this story
was already current as early as 1228.
copyright © Manchester Art Gallery
by William Frederick Yeames 1882
Prince Arthur, Duke of Brittany and
Hubert de Burgh |
Shakespeare wrote a touching
scene in his play King
in which the young prince pleads for his sight with Hubert de Burgh.
A famous speech runs as follows:
O heaven, that there were but a mote in yours
A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wandering hair
Any annoyance in that precious sense!
Then, feeling what small things are boisterous
Your vild intent must needs seem horrible.
Shakespeare makes Hubert relent and leave his
charge unharmed. In fact, King John despatched three knights to carry
out the deed – but two knights were obviously horrified at the
idea, and absconded as soon as they left the king’s presence. The
third knight plodded on to Falaise but Hubert persuaded him not to
carry out the sentence.
Then King John sent Hubert to defend the large
castle at Chinon, which he managed to hang on to for over a year, he
and the survivors fighting valiantly as the walls crumbled. Hugh was
wounded and spent two years in the hands of the French. Meanwhile,
Prince Arthur had disappeared, and it seems obvious that King John
ordered his murder
Hubert de Burgh returned to England in 1207. It is
probable that William de Warenne, his earliest patron, had something
to do with his release from the French. A strong pointer is that
afterwards Hubert married William de Warenne’s daughter.
Hubert de Burgh became one of the 38 guarantors when King
John signed the Magna Carta in 1215, after which Hubert was officially declared Chief Justiciar of England
(equivalent to a Prime Minister).
Following King John’s death in 1216, Hubert became the most
influential figure in the 9 year old Henry III’s government, when he
effectively became Regent of England.
In 1217 there was renewed war
with France, and he played an important role, he commanded the English fleet in the defeat of the
French at the Battle of Sandwich and was hailed "
the saviour of the national cause" (
historians believe Hubert de Burgh's victory over the French at Sandwich
should rank alongside the victories
over the Spanish Armada in 1588 and Nelson’s victory
at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805).
Public Domain – British Library
Hubert de Burgh kneeling at an altar,
seeking sanctuary at Merton.
an illustration from
Matthew Paris' Historia Anglorum |
In 1223 Hubert purchased land from Westminster Abbey to build a mansion, which he named Whitehall Palace, this building has been greatly enlarged over the years, today 'Whitehall' has become a synonym for
In 1227 he was created Earl of Kent. It is fascinating
to note that he built up such wealth in lands and money, that he
thought it wise to deposit his treasure with the Knights Templar.
The barons were jealous of Hubert’s wealth and
power. In 1232 Hubert was falsely accused of treason and fled for sanctuary to Merton Priory. Hubert left Merton, assuming he had safe-conduct from the king. He joined his wife at
St. Edmunds, and then to Brentwood, which belonged to his nephew, the Bishop of Norwich. The king believed that he intended to flee the kingdom, and sent
armed men to arrest him. Hubert took refuge in the Boisars Chapel. Hubert was forcibly
removed from the Church’s sanctuary by Geoffrey de Crawcombe.
Hubert was taken to
the Tower of London and spent a further year in Devizes Castle.
1234 Hubert was granted a full pardon by the King Henry III. He regained his
earldom of Kent and held it until his death in 1243 at Banstead in Surrey. Hubert was buried in the Church of the Friars Preachers (Blackfriars) in
Holborn, London.
In his lifetime Hubert de Burgh was a national hero.
Matthew Paris (1200-1259), the monk and historian, relates how, at the time of
Hubert’s arrest, a blacksmith refused to put irons on Hubert
“who restored England to the English.” In constitutional history
Hubert de Burgh is remembered as the last of the great Justiciars of
Hubert was
married three times:
Beatrice, daughter of William de Warenne, gave
birth to John; she died in 1214
1217 – Hubert married Isabelle, Duchess of
Gloucester, divorced wife of the late king. In this same year Hubert
was given Portslade Manor. (Isabelle died soon after her marriage)
1221 – Hubert married Margaret, sister of
Alexander, King of the Scots
By 1226 Hubert de Burgh had given Portslade Manor
to his daughter Margaret. She fell in love with her father’s ward
Richard, Earl of Gloucester, and married him in secret without her
father’s knowledge. But there were no children of the marriage, and
the manor passed to her half-brother John.
John de Burgh married Cecilia de Balliol they had a
daughter who was named Margaret – she was born in Portslade Manor
in 1264. Margaret married Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster, in 1280.
Their daughter Elizabeth went on to marry Robert the Bruce and became
Queen of the Scots.
When John’s son, another John de Burgh, died in
1280 he left daughters Divorguilla, aged 24, and Hawise, aged 22.
Portslade inheritances still operated under the old custom known in
law as Borough English, which pre-dated the Norman Conquest – the
Normans favouring inheritance by primogeniture. However, Borough
English decreed that the inheritance should go to the youngest child
and thus Hawise came to own Portslade Manor. There was another sister
called Margery but she had become a nun.
Hannah Brackenbury and
the Balliol Family
copyright © D. Sharp
The Brackenbury Chapel with the ruins of
Portslade's Norman Manor to the left |
Miss Hannah Brackenbury (1795-1873) of
Adelaide Crescent, was one of the wealthiest
residents of Hove. She believed she could trace
her ancestors back to Sir Perse de Brackenbury (companion in arms to William the Conqueror) who had married into the
family of John de Balliol around 1086 AD.
Hannah was a philanthropist.
During her lifetime she donated thousands of pounds to various
charities including Balliol College at Oxford University. In 1869 the
magnificent mortuary chapel known as the Brackenbury Chapel was
erected at the north west corner of
St Nicolas Church, which contains
the remains of Hannah and three other family members.
believed she was related to Cecilia de Balliol and through her
marriage, to John de Burgh the Lord of the Manor of Portslade, which may
account for her wish to have a Chapel built close to Portslade's Norman Manor.
The de la Warr Family
Hawise, died in 1299, her son Thomas was then not of age for inheritance, but in 1305 he
granted the manor to his sister Joan and her husband John, Lord de la
copyright © D. Sharp
In August 2018 new research carried out on the
14th century Gough Map held at the Bodleian Library has revealed a
forgotten ancient pilgrimage route -‘The Old Way’, passing 2
miles north of Portslade from which both St Nicolas Church and
Portslade’s Norman Manor would have clearly been seen and served as landmarks on the route.
These two prominent 'landmarks' would have drawn pilgrims into Portslade's village looking for overnight accommodation. The pilgrims route
wends its way through Sussex from Southampton to St Thomas’ shrine
at Canterbury.
St Nicolas is one of only four churches in Sussex that
has a pre-reformation church bell dedicated to
St Thomas a’ Becket - ‘Sancte Thoma Ora Pro Nobis’
(See St Nicolas Church Bells page).
In 1312 the Overlord of Portslade, a John de Warenne, 7th Earl of Surrey, was granted a charter by King Edward II to hold a Fair at Portslade annually on 6 December, the Feast Day of
Saint Nicolas, (Portslade's ancient church is dedicated to St Nicolas). Also the Lord of Portslade was entitled to all wrecks that are washed ashore between the west hedge of
Aldrington and the ditch of
John de la Warr died in 1347, his heir being his grandson, Sir
Roger de la Warr, son of his son John, then aged 18. Sir Roger passed Portslade Manor in 1368 on to his eldest son Sir
John and his wife Elizabeth and their son - Sir Roger de la Warr, who
was frequently in France in the king's service, died in Gascony in
1370, having been twice married.
His widow Eleanor married Sir Lewis Clifford, and in 1373 she
released her right in a third of the manor of Portslade to Sir John
de la Warr son of Sir Roger by his first wife.
On John's death in 1398, his brother the Revd Thomas de la Warr
Rector of Manchester and Swineshead, inherited the Manor until his
death in 1427. He was succeeded by his nephew Sir Reynold West, son of his
half-sister Joan and Sir Thomas West, who held Portslade in 1428. Sir Reynold died owning both Portslade and
Aldrington Manors in
1450, leaving a son Richard, aged 19, who in 1459 received a grant of
£40 a year for life for his services against the Yorkist rebels and
died in March 1476. His son Thomas West, Lord de la Warr, was a supporter of Henry
VII, and obtained large grants of land in Sussex. He mortgaged
Portslade in 1497 to Ralph Bukberd of London, and died in 1525.
His son Thomas died without issue in September 1554, when the
baronies of La Warr and West fell into abeyance between the daughters
of his half-brother Sir Owen West.
Sir William West, nephew and heir male of Thomas, being the son of Sir
George West of Warbleton, Sussex, had been adopted by Thomas as his
heir before the death of Sir Owen in 1551, but William had tried to
poison his uncle and was by Act of Parliament in February 1550
disabled from all honours. In 1556 he was found guilty of complicity in a plot against Queen
Mary. However, his status was restored in 1563 and was created in
1570 Lord de la Warr. He died in December 1595, and his son Thomas
conveyed Portslade Manor in 1599, to Sir Herbert Pelham as
security for certain bonds.
The Snelling Family
In 1600, Thomas, Lord de la Warr, Thomas Pelham,
Herbert Pelham, sold the manor to Richard Snelling.
It seems that the Snelling family were already
living in Portslade Manor long before it was purchased from de la
Warr. Indeed, Richard Snelling was at least the third generation of
his family to occupy the premises. Richard’s son, Sir George
Snelling, succeeded him as lord of the manor.
In 1609 the Snellings decided to sell the manor.
copyright © Hove Borough Council (now Brighton & Hove City Council) drawing by John Foster.
An artist's impression of Portslade's Manor in the 17 th century. The Norman Manor had been greatly extended with the addition of east and west wings. When this enlarged house was demolished most of the masonry and flints went into the building of the 'new' 1807 manor grounds perimeter walls and the Victorian folly. |
Various Owners
Portslade Manor was purchased by Abraham Edwards
of Lewes and Abraham Edwards of Brightling. When the latter died at
Portslade in 1643, the heir was his son Abraham Edwards aged eight
years. It is confusing for historians when families persist in using
the same Christian name. When young Abraham Edwards was placed in the
care of another male relative, his name was of course Abraham
By 1700 William Westbrook was Lord of the Manor,
and when he died his widow married Thomas Andrews; they remained
owners until 1730s. Their grandson sold the manor in 1750.
By 1783 the manor was in the possession of
Elizabeth Lamb, who in 1806 sold it to William Borrer.
The Borrer Family and the new Manor House
copyright © J. Middleton
The 'new' 1807 Portslade Manor House, built by the Borrer Family, the Victorian 'castle folly' can be seen on the left. |
William Borrer must have been an extraordinary man
because he came from humble beginnings but by 1801 was High Sheriff
of Sussex and he accumulated a massive fortune. Somers Clarke
(1802-1892) remembered old William Borrer, founder of the family. He
‘He was a quiet respectable-looking old Country
Farmer and was very unpretending in his manner. He was formerly a
retail Butcher in Ditchling and at the end of the last century and
the beginning of this century, he became a large contractor in
supplies of meat and forage for the Army with the then Government –
in those days there was not the competition there is now.’
In 1803, when there was fear of an imminent French
invasion, William Borrer offered to provide one wagon and four horses
for the use of the government.
The following is a list of William Borrer’s land
8 February 1788 – 24 acres in Ditchling from
Robert Davis of Brighthelmstone, coal merchant, and his sister
Johanna Davis – price £860.
1802 – in Portslade, a messuage called
Dumbrell’s, a piece of land called Pryor’s, a small piece of
wasteland adjacent to Henry Chatfield’s Mansion House, plus a
parcel of land in Aldrington.
1806 – Portslade Manor
Borrer became Lord of the Manor; this was more than merely a title
because he was obliged by law to oversee certain land transactions
documented in the Portslade
Manor Court Books. It
is interesting to note that in a special court baron held in 1830 in
his presence, there was an appeal made under the ancient custom of
the manor known as Borough English (pre-dating the Norman Conquest),
which decrees inheritance descends to the youngest child. The court
of 1830 heard that when the widow Charity Truseler died, her youngest
daughter laid claim to a messuage, tenement and garden. The daughter
was Susanna, wife of Thomas Stanford, cordwainer of Souhwick. She won
her case. This property was next to what later became Portslade Brewery, and in 1888 Walter Mews paid £250 for it.
It seems that William Borrer overreached himself
financially because he used the manor and lands as security and the
debt was not paid off until 1837. That is why when his son John
Borrer became owner in 1841, he was obliged to repay the money owing
to Richard Fuller and John Hamlin Borrer, who had raised the original
loan, and the entire transaction came to £1,700. There is a curious
letter still extant from J. H. Borrer to John Borrer, as follows:
My dear Jack,
lawyers will now cheat my young lady out of her dividend unless you
show your gallantry
by paying me £1,700 tomorrow
on account of your purchase and I undertake to return the money if
the purchase is not completed.’
Presumably, John Borrer was able to come up with
the money because William Borrer, who died in 1832, left his three
sons large fortunes – they were William Borrer of Barrow Hill, John
Borrer of Portslade, and Nathaniel Borrer of Hurstpierpoint. Indeed,
William Borrer’s estate was said to be in the region of three or
four thousand pounds.
John Borrer (1785-1866) was born at Pakyns Manor,
Hurstpierpoint, which his father had only purchased two years
previously. His maternal grandfather was Nathaniel Lindfield, the
last male representative of a very old Sussex family. John Borrer was
also the nephew of Revd Carey Borrer, rector of Hurstpierpoint from
1841 to 1898, who had the old church demolished and built a new
church of the Holy Trinity designed by Sir Charles Barry. In 1888
Revd Carey Borrer, together with Arthur Hardress Borrer of Chelsea,
and William Hall of Penstone, Lancing, became Chief Stewards of the
Manor of Portslade.
John Borrer lived at Portslade from 1807 but it is
not certain whether it was William Borrer or John Borrer who built
the new manor house in 1807. But it was John Borrer who must have
been responsible for the demolition of the old manor.
copyright © D. Sharp
The partially destroyed Norman Manor House, an act of Victorian
vandalism. The reason for the destruction is not really known but is rumoured to be due to a family dispute.
John Borrer endured a terrible run of bad luck in
his personal life – before he died himself, three wives, and six
children had predeceased him. This must be some kind of macabre
record. But it seems he remained a man of faith and was churchwarden
of St Nicolas. When a memorial was sent to Chichester complaining
about how cramped the church was, his name was one of the signatures
on the document. After the north aisle was built Borrer lost no time
in erecting three large wall plaques in memory of his lost family
members. (See also
St Nicolas Church). Here are some family details:
Kitty Borrer
She was his first wife, and she died on 7 April
1811, probably as the result of childbirth, at the age of 27. Her two
children were:
Mary born in 1809, she married John Blaker at St
Nicolas on 18 April 1839. John Blaker (1804-1864) and his brother
Edgar founded a solicitor’s practice at Lewes. He discovered part
of the demolished Priory of St Pancras, Lewes, in 1849-1850. The
couple had three sons and two daughters
Kate, born in 1811, died unmarried on 23 February
1890 aged 79 years
Mary Ann Borrer
She was John Borrer’s second wife. She produced
five babies in quick succession, and like his first wife died of
childbirth at the age of 27 on 13 July 1819. Their children were:
John, died at the age of 29 after being involved
in a carriage accident. One leg had to be amputated, and he endured
three days of acute suffering before dying. It was a tragedy
especially because the accident happened only ten days after his
wedding day.
William Arthur, born 19 January 1816, died in
1845. He sailed from Singapore on 23 September 1845 and ‘it was
supposed the vessel foundered in a terrific hurricane which raged in
the China Seas a few days after he left port’.
Ellen, born 10 February 1817, died 12 April 1834,
a ‘kind and affectionate daughter’.
Nathaniel, born 1 June 1818, died 24 August 1818.
Frederick Leopold, born 1 July 1819, died 3
September 1819.
Sarah Ann Borrer
Sarah Ann Hall of Albourne was John Borrer’s
third wife. The marriage licence was dated 20 October 1821. Their
children were:
Hall Borrer, born 16 August 1822. He lived at Hurstpierpoint for 27
years and then moved to 33 Wilbury Gardens, Hove. In 1887 he was
still Lord of Portslade Manor, while in 1895 it was noted that he
owned a piece of land near the Stonery. He died in his 87th
year on 18 March 1909, and was buried in Hove Cemetery. He was the
last of the Portslade Borrers.
Lindfield, born 3 September 1823, died 24 October
Sarah Ann, born in 1824, died 6 March 1908 aged
84. She lived with her unmarried half-sister Kate.
copyright © D. Sharp
Portslade's Norman Manor House and St Nicolas Church in June 2019 |
Census Information
In 1841 the Borrer family were recorded living in
their new manor house. The occupants were John Borrer, aged 56, his
wife Sarah, aged 47, daughters Kate and Sarah, and 18-year old Henry
who was a mariner. There were five servants.
By 1851 one of the servants was described as a
footman, while other servants were a lady’s maid, a cook and a
By 1861 the Borrers felt grand enough to employ
the services of a butler.
Lay-out of the Manor
copyright © J.Middleton
This close-up shows the elegant ironwork at the
south-west angle
of the house, to the left is a Victorian folly built
from masonry
taken from Portslade's Norman Manor House ruins. |
The new manor provided spacious accommodation; it
had a fashionable bow front, canopied windows on the first floor, and
a charming south-facing verandah supported on slender iron columns.
As a complete contrast to the old manor, the new one’s facade was
An idea of how the interior of the house was
arranged can be gauged from a plan dated 1899 when proposed
alterations were drawn up by W. P. Puttick of East Street, Brighton,
on behalf of E. F. Stranack.
The dining room had a bay window, and next to it
was the morning room, then came the drawing room with a withdrawing
room at the side. In the central part there were the butler’s
pantry, breakfast room, hall, and servants’ hall. At the back of
the house there was a children’s playroom and a billiard room.
Upstairs, on the first floor there were six
bedrooms, two dressing rooms, and a bathroom. On the top floor there
were six bedrooms, a dressing room, and a bathroom for the servants.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
Henry Earp, senior, painted this delightful picture of
Portslade in 1840 when John Borrer was Lord of the Manor of Portslade. Note St Nicolas Church to the right and the impressive
mansion called Portslade House on the left, near the site occupied by King’s
School today. |
John Borrer’s Land Holdings
copyright © D. Sharp
Manor Lodge (formerly Portslade Lodge)
was the home of John Borrer's daughters -
Kate from 1871-1890 and Sarah Ann from 1874-1908. |
Altogether, John Borrer owned 764 acres at
Portslade, and it seems that already he and other landowners had
begun to appropriate common land, that, by rights, belonged to the
ordinary folk of the parish. For example, it was said John Borrer and
others owned Tenantry Hill and
Foredown Hill, which were, strictly
speaking, still common land. Indeed, the 1840 Tithe Map itemised
1,650 sheep leazes (sic) on Tenantry Hill, and 32 bullock leazes
(sic) on Foredown Hill.
In 1841 Borrer became the owner of Portslade Manor
and grounds, and also nearby
Manor Lodge. The latter cost £740
and was purchased from Richard Fuller, John Hamlin Borrer, and
Catherine Cordy.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
The windmills at Copperas Gap owned by John Borrer, Lord of the Manor of Portslade.
Painting attributed to Frederick Ford |
Hangleton Bush
New Barn
Distance Rest Piece
Cock Roost Piece
Shepherd’s House Piece
Dimbledee Cow Down
Freeman’s Court
These holdings were all arable land.
copyright ©
Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove
John Borrer owned the foreground (seashore & cliff) in this painting The view is looking west to Shoreham from Portslade in 1879. This painting was by James K Kinnear |
Then there was North House Homestead, which became
North House Farm, Stonery Gardens, and Benfields’ Side Hill. An
intriguing name is Hag Track Cottage on Foredown Hill, thought to
refer to a local wise woman, some say witch, who used to live there.
It is interesting to note that North House
Homestead and many of the surrounding fields were in the occupation
of John Hodson. It is possible that he was a relative of the Borrers
because the Borrers were related to the Hodsons of Westmeston Place.
There are some Hodson burials in the
churchyard of St Nicolas as
Jane Hodson of Portslade, youngest daughter of
Anthony and Anna Hodson of Westmeston Place, died in 1816.
John and Jane Hodson both died in 1855 in their
Philadelphia Bostock (nee Hodson) of Westmeston
Place died in 1868. (In 1861 she was staying with the Borrers at
Portslade Manor).
The Hodson burials are quite near to the Borrer
John Borrer died on 12 August 1866 at the age of
81, and was buried on the 18 August, right next to the doorway
leading to Portslade Manor.
After John Borrer died, his surviving children had
no desire to live at Portslade Manor, having established themselves
Therefore the manor was let to various individuals, and
one of them went by the resounding name of Matthew Theodosius Denis
de Vitre, a partner in the Bombay Agency - Remington & Co, he lived in Portslade Manor from the late 1860s until his death on the 26 December 1870. When de Vitre died he left £90,000 in his Will,
an equivalent pound value of over 10 million pounds in 2019.
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
Brighton Herald 3 June 1871 |
Charles Barber
copyright © Royal Pavilion & Museum,
Brighton & Hove
Brighton Herald 2 November 1895 |
By 1882 Charles Barber was living in Portslade
Manor. He was a member of the well-known firm of Barber & Co. tea
merchants of London and Brighton. In March 1882 there was a Public
Inquiry into the desirability of building a hospital at
Charles Barber sent a letter of protest, not that it had any effect
on the outcome. Charles Barber did not enjoy many years at Portslade
because he soon succumbed to a long illness. Despite the best
attentions of Dr Carter, and Dr Fuller, Barber died on 25 August 1887
aged 70.
His funeral service was held at
St Nicolas Church,
after which the funeral cortege consisting of six mourning carriage
and two private carriages proceeded to Hove Cemetery. Mrs Barber,
Charles Barber and Miss Louie Barber were in the first carriage while
‘a number of the employees of the deceased gentleman followed on
foot’. The grave is situated near a pine tree on the south side of
the main path leading to the chapels, and the monument is a large
rose marble obelisk.
Mrs Barber continued to occupy Portslade Manor
where the 1891 census records her living with a niece, two nephews,
and two servants. Mrs Barber died at the age of 73 on 19 December
1899, and her nephew, Charles Harry Barber, died on 2 September 1902
– both being buried in the family vault at
Hove Cemetery.
The Dovecote
copyright © D. Sharp
The Manor's dovecote |
On the north side of the manor grounds, close to
the entrance from Drove Road, there is a square-sided flint-built
dovecote. In common with village cottages, the dovecote was built
with available material, which included the odd red brick placed at
On one side there are three rounded apertures with slate
landing-places for pigeons. It is interesting to note that the
Hangleton Dovecote is round, rather than square.
It is not known when the Portslade Dovecote was
built, but it was certainly mentioned in a deed dated 23 November
1805 when the ‘Pigeon House’ was part of 850 acres rented to
William Ellis.
In the old days, only the Lord of the Manor was
allowed to have his own dovecote. This was necessary because pigeons
are veracious eaters, and hopefully crop damage would have been kept
to a minimum.
St Marye’s Convent
copyright © G.Osborne
With thanks to Mr G. Osborne for granting permission for the
reproduction of the above photograph from his private collection. St
Marye's Convent in the 1930s |
Miss Kathleen Nelson purchased Portslade Manor and
grounds and gave it to the Order of the Poor Servants of the Mother
of God; they took up residence on 24 April 1904.
The nuns remained there until the 1990s. Portslade
people looked forward to the annual Summer Fete held in the grounds,
which had been a feature of local life for over 50 years. It was
therefore a somewhat sombre occasion when the last fete was held on
22 June 1996 – the nuns moved out shortly afterwards.
copyright © D. Sharp
The north wing was added to the 'new' 1807 Portslade
Manor House in time of St Marye’s Convent’s ownership of the
building, to serve as accommodation for Nuns and other residents of
the convent.
In November 1996 it was stated that Sussex Emmaus
were negotiating to buy St Marye’s Convent for around £500,000.
Churches in Sussex donated over £20,000 to help set the venture on
its feet, and later there was a grant from the Government’s Single
Regeneration Fund.
It was in 1949 that Abbe Pierre founded Emmaus in
France, and the movement spread to 44 different countries. By 1998
Emmaus had had seven communities in England including Cambridge,
Coventry, Dover, Greenwich and Manchester; by 2014 the number had
risen to 24 communities with nine more in the pipeline. The aim is to
provide homeless people with a community where they can live safely,
learn new skills, and earn their keep.
There are few rules but if a person is accepted to
be part of the project, that person is expected to keep clear of
drugs, alcohol, and violence.
copyright © D. Sharp
April 2019 view of the ruins of Portslade's Norman Manor House from the Emmaus' Cafe |
See the
Emmaus Portslade page for more information.
The Future of Portslade's Norman Manor House
An exciting announcement was made on the 29 January 2019, in the form of Heritage Lottery Funding of £10,000 being awarded to the local charity
Fresh Start Portslade based at
Easthill Park, to ‘improve access and visibility of Portslade's Norman
Manor house, communicate its historic importance, and explore
possible solutions for its longer-term sustainability’.
The Argus reported on 21 February 2019,
‘The Lottery Funding will be used to provide support and training
for a team of 15 local people to research the history of the Manor,
and its importance to Portslade over the last 900 years. The research
will be displayed on information boards around the Old Manor site,
giving a timeline from the 11th century to the present day. Volunteers will be trained in heritage
conservation and grounds maintenance to become guardians of the site,
ensuring its upkeep and protection for future generations'.
Digging up the Past
It is exciting to think that at
long last, steps have been taken to unearth some of Portslade’s
ancient history in the grounds of the manor. You cannot just go in
wielding a spade or trowel, and hoping for the best. First of all,
there was a special geo-scan that indicated suitable sites at which
to dig test pits. The scans came up with five such spots. Even
better, the volunteer diggers came up with around 1,900 small finds
on the first day. It is tantalising that only three were revealed in
the Press release, and accompanying pictures; they were:
A wild boar’s tooth
Oyster shells
Part of a Roman plate
The find of oyster shells is
interesting. While today oysters are considered rather special, in
times past they may have formed part of an ordinary diet. It reminds
one of Sir Walter Scott’s wonderful comment about the old days when
ordinary folk on a great estate in Scotland grumbled to their betters
about having to eat fresh salmon so often, whereas today salmon is an
expensive treat.
volunteers digging at Portslade are members of the Brighton &
Hove Archaeological Society, and the impetus came from Fresh Start
Portslade whose project leader is John Shepherd, and he was very
grateful for their support. Mr Shepherd is keen to ensure the general
public, as well as local children, become more aware of the
fascinating history of Portslade. (Argus
Additional information from Mr. M. Hill
Census Returns
Middleton J, Encyclopaedia of Hove and Portslade
Pavilion, Libraries and Museum ‘Review’ (February
2006) article based on a lecture given by John Lochyer with
additional notes by Stella Bedoe
Sussex Archaeological Collections
Sussex Notes & Queries
Victoria County History: Sussex
The Keep
HOW 86/4 – John Borrer, Ditchling Gentleman,
probate 1795/1816
LLM/E4 – Names of persons willing to serve 1803
Copyright © J. Middleton
Page layout and additional research on the de Burgh family by D.